

The North Evergreens: 4
So the bus stopped. The first sound that everyone heard was a thud and after that a shout:
"Ow, Dequisa, your backpack hit my arm!"
"Sorry, sorry, Sabrina, I can't control it. It just fell on it's own."
"Oh, and tell me, it also has a mouth and eyes and it walks around in the night!"
"You remember I told you about some sounds in the night! That backpack is cursed!"
The two objects waddled between the rows of seats in the bus. They came nearer to the five friends and then they could tell that the objects were Sabrina, a tall and plain girl with big gray eyes. The other object was Dequisa, her younger sister, same look but her eyes were a little bigger and a little lighter. The smaller one was wearing an orange headset, the bigger one was wearing a purple headset. Both took of their backpack and syncronically fell down on the seats.
"Oh, the two of sisters joined us, on the way to North on the magic bus..." - said Evan.
"You can't believe how long it took us to pack these!" - Dequisa exclaimed - "And we also have much more things on the pockets."
Evdokia, who was stuck between the wall and the backpacks squished through and almost faceplanted onto the floor when Sabrina lifted her backpack to let her through.
"Oof... well, where we aimin' this summer? To the lake or river? Or are we gonna go around the city more?"
"Well," - Evelina said - "I was planning to go see the haunted part of the forest in the Greens. Wbu guys?"
"I would love to see the abandoned house near the edge of the forest" - said Volannka.
"We planned to go to the old deactivated mall and steal something!" - both Sabrina and Dequisa whispered.
"Well," - said Ducya, hesitating - "I was motivated for something nice, like creating a secret base-"
"In the abandoned city hall!" - said Evan - "Or else it ain't fun."
"I don't think it will be good. The buildings have 'no tresspasing' signs. What if we get a ticket or something."
"Aghh, Ducya, you ain't no fun!" - exclaimed Evan - "The signs are as old as the buildings themselves!"
"Exactly." - added Tayler - "We are the band of people who do whatever they want to. Who cares if we go in?"
"I-I-I guess you're right."
The bus stopped again on Lefay St. and more people came in.

© Evergreen YT