

Chilhood memories - Part 2 Honesty is the best policy
Once in my classroom, our teachers were distributing result of test papers. In the period of chemistry, a miracle was about to happen. When I received my paper, I jumped of my bench. For the first time i got 20 out of 20. I laughed with grin. But then i realized something was wrong that i remembered on the day i gave the test. I saw that in the question " Write the factor of solubility " I by mistake wrote "mixing" in place of "temperature". I first asked my friends that shall I let mam know it or not ?.Everybody said me a fool and warned me to not tell. But one of them suggested that better i tell mam to cut marks orelse i might be scolded. So i thought i didn't deserve this marks. Moreover father wil be happy with just a fake marks. Its better I correct it. So i rushed to the teacher and said her about it. She strike out one marks and I got 19. I felt good for at least its better than a fake marks. But everyone started yelling at me. They all were shocked and laughing that how fool i am to cut my ful marks.But anyway I didn't care. And so mam said, " She could've gotten full marks. But she was honest. She may get full marks next time and i believe it. So don't tell that why she strike her luck ". And I felt literally good and thought I should get full marks next time. Later Dad became truly happy to hear this incident.

- Barnita karmakar