



I remember when I was a kid and if by mistake, I touched books or money by my feet, my mother used to tell me fold hands and say sorry. I used to wonder why my mother used to make me do so? Likewise, I used to think why we worship vehicles during Vishwakarma puja? Why we worship books during Saraswathi puja? Why we refer food as ‘ann devta’?

Likewise, there are countless situations which used to make me think why we are following such traditions and rituals.

I was a very inquisitive child I wanted to know the reason behind all the above things. I tried to get the answer but the answer which I got was ‘These things are Gods’ which was not satisfactory for me, because the image of God which I have in my mind was just like human.

Slowly when I grew up my mind also grew up, and then I understood the reason behind all these things. What is God? Where is he? Have anyone ever seen him?

Answer would be probably No. According to my understanding God is a belief that whatever and whoever does good to us is considered as God.

This is the reason during chhat puja, we worship nature because nature (sun, river etc.) because it has given us so much. Without sun, we can’t imagine surviving on this planet. River has given us life-saving water without which human life is impossible.

In our culture we worship tulsi plant and some trees because it has ample of medicinal benefits, and also it gives us oxygen.

Similarly, we worship vehicles and machines during Vishwakarma puja because it eases our life so much. Worshiping is just a way to show respect and be thankful to the things which are beneficial for us.

We worship books and money because without money you can’t survive and books are sea of Knowledge, without which you can't excel in your life. We pay our respect to them by worshiping them.

According to my understanding worship is a way to so gratitude and be thankful to whatever helps in your survival and makes your life easy.


Note: This is my opinion according to my understanding. Opinions may vary



© Shwetasingh29