

A Birth By An Angel
Rosie is a young girl in her teenage years. She lives in a modern industrial world, where television and radio are entertainment. She loves fashion and dressing up. Also, this year is her freshman year in high school. She is excited to read Shakespeare! She just cannot wait to begin reading "Romeo and Juliet" in class. Not to mention, they will act out the play after reading.

Today, was the day they start. She cannot sleep the night before. Just twisting and turning. Anticipating, a new start to her life. Thoughts run a million miles in her head. The morning comes and she begins her first day.



"Well, class I know we are all excited to read, "Romeo and Juliet." We will begin next week, after this opening week. So be prepared."

Rosie smiled, and another girl caught her eye. She was a goth kid and introduces herself.

"Hi, I'm Zara. Nice to meet you."

"Hi Zara, I'm Rosie. Are you excited to read Shakespeare?"

"Yeah kinda. I have to ask you something. Do you want to hang out at lunch? It's after this class, and you seem cool to know."

"Um, ok. I guess I can. It's our first day, why not make friends, right?"


Time passes. The teacher gets boring. Rosie just wants to head out. She wants to breathe fresh air, and be free from this desk. She starts looking at the clock, then begins to daydream. She sees a cute guy in a tee and jeans approaching her in some meadow.

"Hello my darling!"

Rosie blushes. " Hello, unknown fellow! I am Rosie, did classes get dismissed?"

Ring!! Lunchtime!

Zara looks for Rosie as soon as possible.

"Hi Rosie, let's go to lunch together."


Both girls head out and go to lunch. Then, Zara invites Rosie to the library.

"Rosie, books are mystical. You must know this! I'm enchanted with books, and I wanted to share this with a new friend. I believe in magic and the tarot."

"What's that Zara?"

"I learned that, it is called Divinity. I can tell you, your future, are you interested?"

Rosie thinks for a minute. What would she like to know? Maybe a new crush? Lately, she has been sticking it alone, because her mom is strict. Her mom does not like boys talking to her, because she is too young. Oh, maybe it's money, I am going to have? She really wants a dress, at the department store for a special event. Well, what can she do? So, she accepts, but tells herself to not fully believe Zara, if the truth hurts.

"Well, here are my cards. They were conceived with messages from Above. They have directed me onto you, to tell you a special revealence. I was call upon to speak to you. The pictures of the cards have a meaning. I will pass my cards onto you. Shuffle, my dear friend. Ask a question."

Rosie's heart is pounding. She asks in her heart, will I have a boyfriend this year?

Zara puts her hand on the deck. "Reveal to me from the stars above, the fortune of my quierent. Let the cards speak through me."

"Now, pick three cards from this deck."

Rosie does as she is told. She picks three. The first is called the Sun. There is a child in front of a baring sun. The second card makes her gasp. Death! A picture of the reaper. Then, lastly, the Lovers, a man and woman next to each other. What could these mean? She gets alarmed.

"Rosie, I will be sincere to you. I will read the cards as you flipped them. Have no fear, for the divine light is eternal. It saves us even from death. Bringing our soul into the light, is best for us, to reach a place in the Heaven. To have a place, even until we depart. So, do not fear my words, but mediate on them as they will play out."

"OK. Please tell me more."

"The Sun was the good times of the past. Moments that were hearty and good. Where it all felt right. That is the position of the first card. The second, I know has brought you fear. It is the Death card in your present. This can mean a loss of death with rebirth to come, or just a rebirth that comes in deadening moments. Where your world will become desolate and painful. However, in the rebirth, another phase of your life will begin. This leads us to the future. The Lovers, this card is the last, meaning a lover will come after your rebirth."

Rosie sits cold in her place. What death must she bare?

"Any more questions, Rosie?"

"No! I have had enough. Bye Zara. Don't talk to me again."

With that the girl runs out.

Days pass, Rosie forgets about the meeting with Zara. To be honest, she does not see her again, afterwards. Then, "Romeo and Juliet" begins in class, and she forgets it all. At times, they read out loud and she chimes in. Her heart sings, reading the flow of Shakespeare. She cannot wait to be part of the play.

They invite her, to be a narrator in the play. Her mother is happy and proud of her. They both go shopping for some clothes, for Rosie to wear. She feels beautiful, and wonders what a Shakespeare world would be like. The night before the play begins, she looks up at the full moon, blows a kiss. Then says, "good night."

The first scene of the play is set up. Rosie heads out to do her part. When a rumble starts shaking the whole school. An earthquake had hit. Boom! The stage had fallen upon Rosie. Her vision goes blank. The world goes dark for a moment...

Then Rosie wakes up. She is living in a castle it seems. Mosaic tiles decorate the inside of the building, she wakes up at. There are long pillars and extensive corridors.

"Where am i?" Rosie thinks to herself. "Have I died?" She starts to cry, thinking of her mother. "Why have I departed?"

"Rosly! Come downstairs we have work to do!" Says an old woman with a bonnet.

"Work? I go to school and live with my mother."

"Huh? Oh, that fever had you. You are speaking nonsense, young lady. We have to clean up for the arrival of the Prince."

"The prince? Where is my mother?"

"Your mother left you at an adoption place. You are now a servant like me, here in this castle. You have been sick for many days. I thought, you were going to die! So, I prayed to the Divine Light, to restore your young soul. I was very worried, Rosly."

Rosly, was confused. This world is different. It is not modern industrial, but artistically grand. She could see paintings on the walls, and big curtains around. Royally, embellished this world is.. Then, there is a Prince coming home soon?

"Yes, what do I do for you?"

"Rosly, go down to the kitchen and wash pots and pans. I help at the kitchen and I desperately need help."

"Ok fair. But direct me to the kitchen. My mind is weary and lost."


Rosly goes with the old woman. They meet up with an old man. He is the cook. He turns out to be her husband and the old woman is Bertha. He gets Rosly up and running. She starts washing and cleaning, like her mom had taught her. She runs, to be of assistance, to anything the cooks asks for. She just wants to do everything right. Even though, her mind is whining in confusion.

"Well Rosly, I am glad you are better now. I was getting worried. Your a big help to us both, me and Bertha. You are a young lady with much to offer. Would you like to serve in the dinner hall, when the Prince arrives?"

"Um, yes. If I must then I can."

"Tomorrow is the event. Let's keep working to have it set for tomorrow, then."

Bertha comes and joins the both of them. They spend all evening preparing. They finish until midnight. Rosly and Bertha head to sleep.

That night is laterned under a full moon. The Prince had finished his requisition. He had obtained a wealth this time. His success, made him yearn to be at home, in his beloved castle. He is coming home, a richer prince! His battles were well fought. Tooth and nail, him and his men fought. He continues on horseback, onward to his way home.

The morning comes, and more servants introduce themselves to Rosly. Many, start talking about the return of the Prince. He is the only heir. Many princesses wish to marry the handsome boy. So many beautiful young women, will be in attendance.

Rosly could only imagine the dresses. Her mind drifts off, over to the modern industrial world she had left. She recalls her middle aged mother, too. She remembers her voice, and for some reason her tears. She remembers looking in fashion magazines, and seeing beautiful gowns. Those she can bet, will be on display at the party, on all the princesses. She did envy them for a bit. She wished it could be her.

"Rosly, let's head to the dining hall." It was Bertha.

They leave, to fix up the hall. It takes hours to make this extravagant dinner. The richness of the Kingdom feels like heaven, for a bit. Though, she is a working servant, she admires the Kingdom. It is very lavish. Gold is everywhere, red silk curtains are draped and the dishware is priceless. She feels anxious to see, who the Royal Families is?

The sun falls. Evening has come. The Prince had arrived this morning. He anticipates to see Princess Camilla again. Last time he saw her, he gave her an arrangement of roses, and a kiss on her cheek. He also gave her a golden bracelet, and ruby earrings. Gifts to remember him by.

Princess Camilla, knew she had to dress to impress the Royal Families. Her dress was satin red and embellished in gold. Her golden locks were made up by her maidens. Everyone fell in love with her outfit. Even her mother and aunts cried from joy. Oh, the delightful picture! Of a young woman waiting to present herself, to those she loves.

Music was played. Classical music is the correct touch. The song of angels, stream out of the musicians hands. They play with endearment. You hear the bustle of people reuniting together. Rosly is in awe. She had never witness this kind of wealth, so close. Who is the Prince?

Time flies and people dance. Many beautifully dressed woman try to capture the Prince, in their lore. No luck though, for Princess Camilla is the only girl by his side. Bertha comes in.

"Rosly, I need help, come with me."

"Yes Bertha. "

They head out to the kitchen, and it's a mess. Both girls start cleaning up. Rosly starts thinking and inquires to Bertha, "Who is the Prince?"

Bertha responds, " He is the young gentleman next to the girl in the red golden dress. Princess Camilla is her name and his is Prince Franco."

"Oh, I see Bertha! Now, I can make sense of this world. I am starting to know my way, a bit. This life seems difficult from what I knew. I guess I must adapt, since all I had was lost."

They both laughed and continue their work. The day ends, and well, all beings long to sleep. The night sets up, and the stars shine. A waning moon presents itself. As the good times passed, and beautiful love lit up a Kingdom. It was time to call it a good night. Morning had its own agenda to come up.

The next morning, more work. Bright and early, both women woke up. Chores had to be done. Rosly, still did not catch a good glimpse of the Prince. She knew, he is young, almost like her but maybe just a bit older. She sure did not doubt, that he will be handsome.

That day, a young man comes to the kitchen. He starts talking to the cook, when Bertha and Rosly come in.

"Oh, sweet Prince you are here! You have come to visit us. We are grateful for your presence. Glad, you made it safe from requisition," says Bertha.

"I thank the Almighty," responds the Prince.

Rosly, stops for a minute. She blushes in the presence of the Prince. He claims, God brings him his good fortune. He becomes admirable with those words, in her eyes. She looks at his handsome face, only to blush. She notices, that the Prince has beautiful eyes that enchant.

He notices her reaction.

"Whose this Bertha?"

"It's Rosly, she works with us. She was allowed to work here, after turning of age. She is an orphan. Her mother died at birth. She fell ill recently, but is better now."

"I am Rosly, dear Prince."

"Yes, glad to meet you, Rosly."

Her heart starts to jump. Wow, a Prince introduced himself to her! She can only keep remembering, all the wealth at the party last night. Awestruck, is all she can feel. She can hardly utter more.

He leaves soon though. He disappears to his affairs, and the two women continue to toil. Rosly, can only imagine being in love. According to Bertha, she was just a servant and an orphan. She would not mean much to him. Her position is not much, but this is her new life. Modern industrial life, might have just been a dream. Then, that woman she knew to be her mother, was that just an angel? Rosly cries. She feels her misfortune heavy on her heart.

The cook sees Rosly crying. "Why sweetheart do not cry, for believe in Heaven and it shall guide you. Tell Heaven, your pain and He can mend your heartache."

"Thank you."

She wipes her tears, and continues on. Bertha comes in after Rosly clears up.

"Rosly, you work so hard. I would love to teach you to work in the kitchen, next to me. Then, you can learn to cook and help. Would you like that, sweetheart?"

"Yes Bertha! I would. I do not mind to learn."

As days went by, she learned kitchen skills. She was learning to make pastries and to cut vegetables. She loves doing pastries the most, however. She puts her heart into them she felt, because both Bertha and the cook said, "Cooking is love."

Would you believe she impressed the Prince, one day? Yes, one day he comes back to the kitchen, and Rosly is making pastries. She jumps when she sees him.

"Rosly? Those pastries are your work?"
She says, "Well yes. I follow the recipes and make them. I am glad to work."

"He looks into her eyes. You are a beautiful young girl and I enjoy your pastries. They are as sweet as you."

He gets closer to her. She feels her insides tingle, and desires a kiss. Just like a spark, he plants the kiss. A soft one, then both their eyes widen, at what had just happened. This was awkward for a moment.

Rosly stutters, "W-well I am thankful, you like them. I am trying my best."

"Sorry Rosly, I did not mean to invade you, for that kiss. I just felt a tender feeling, seeing you work. You are young and pretty. You bring any young man to desire you. Pardon me."

He leaves from the kitchen. Rosly starts spinning in her head. She is in shock of what just took place. Does this mean, he has feelings of love, for her? What did this kiss mean? Will he be back? Is there more to unfold? Rosly, needed answers but from who?

The cook comes in." Excellent job Rosly! Your pastries are wonderful, so I hear. The Royal Families loves your work. See, the Heaven smiles upon you. Follow the good light, and all goodness shall follow you."

Rosly thanks him. Another day ends.

The next day, the Prince catches her in kitchen again. Once more,, she is shaken up, but a bit angered for this confusion he brings upon her.

"Rosly, I apologize for yesterday. I let myself go. You deserve your respect as staff. There are rules to follow, and well, I went out of order."

"Look, dear Prince I can forgive you. You are Royalty. Let's forget it, and not let it happen, again. I understand, I am just a servant. I do not desire to lose my work. I am treated fair here, by your Royal Family. Please, let me keep my job."

"Your job is safe. Yet, for some reason, I yearn to kiss you again. "

Another kiss sparks upon the two. Rosly does not know how to react. The kiss gets deeper and a passion flames up. Both meld into each other. Losing the sense, of the presented fear, and attraction begins to lead. She falls into his arms and becomes his woman.

When all is done and said, he apologizes once more. Rosly, cannot help but cry a bit. She just does not understand him. Why did he kiss her as so? This day makes her shut up like a clam. She begins to keep her silence longer. The Prince also disappears, but rumors around the castle begin. He is getting married to Princess Camilla. For some reason, her heart shatters, the pains brings her much sorrow.

She loses her sense of the present. She decides, it is time to run. She feels terrible, leaving both the cook and Bertha. However, her heart can not take the pain. She felt like a joke to the Prince, but she knows, she is a good person. She had come a long way. How could he do this to her? Why break her heart, for his own needs? Well, it's how they are, they only want to take. Yes, he took enough from her, she cried inside.

To leave, was another task, though. She has to sneak out, to run away from the Kingdom. The day of the wedding was perfect. The guards will be preoccupied. She didn't have much to take. Just a few garments, that is all. So, she packs light, and manages to find a way. She succeeds in leaving, then looks up to the sky and says, "thanks." She believed, the Heaven had called for her departure. The pain was too much; she was glad her plea was heard.

She runs to the woods to hide. There, she catches the day, turn from light to dark. There is not a moon but only stars. She does not know much and starts to cry. Why did she die? Why did she have to meet the girl Zara, from the modern world? She faintly, recalls the card reading, in broken up dreams. She hears her voice, in recollecting episodes. Why is there no return?

She sobs loudly in the woods. " Dear Heaven give me life, I am lost and broken!"

"Hello...Young girl, what has brought you to the woods. Why have you ventured here? I can hear your pain from miles away. Are you hurt?"

There, before her appears a old man in a cloak. He carries a lantern and a hawk on his right shoulder. Rosly, has fear for a moment, then let's out the pain from her heart. She explains, what she feels. In her tears, she tells him.

"I lost my life young in the modern world, would you believe me? I was a young girl living with her sweet mother. Then poof! I am here in this old world, where I suffer immense pain. I am an orphan, and must work until I die, for a King that only satisfies his needs. An unconsiderate man he is, and well, I cannot dwell under him any longer. I feel ridiculed by him, and this torments me. Please understand me, sir."

"Fair enough, young girl. I will invite you to my home, there you can rest. "

She accepts his offer. They both head to a wooden cabin, in the deep woods. It's small and cozy, it is just for him, she realizes. There, he offers her tea to calm her and let her sleep. Reluctantly, she accepts. She start to feel drowsy and he gives her a place to rest. There she dreams the three cards again. Then, she dreams of her kiss to the Prince. Tears wet up her cheeks, as she wakes up sobbing. She decides to get up, and seeks the old man.

"Oh dear, you have awoken! Today, is a new day. You hear the birds chirp? They are songs from Earth, to give us life. My dear, free yourself from your pain. Listen to your heart. Cheer up, you must."

"I know, sir."

"What is your name?" asks the old man.

"It's Rosie, but here I am Rosly. In my past life, my mother called me Rosie. Can I go back to that life?"

"You see Rosly, I am a wise man. I can tell you much about your life. Maybe we can sit, and chat around my crystal ball?"

"What will I see? Will it be painful? "

"That, I cannot say. The spirits show us, what needs to be revealed. They work from the cosmos, the Divinity. "

"Yes, I desire to know more.. I need to."

They head to a dark room with a crystal ball. He calls up to the spirits, to open up the ball. There, she sees her mother sad from her daughter's loss. Rosly sees this and tears up. Only wishing, to touch the ball. She wishes, she could return back to her mother, and their home. That is all she can bare.

The old man stops. Tells her to go back to rest. During her sleep, she hears horses galloping with fervor. It sounds like a battle has broken out in the woods. But why? Swords are flaring out, and the sound of the sword's steel clashing, is heard. A battle has begun near by. It's lasts for about a day. They are constantly fighting, but in the cabin there is refuge. When the storm of battle sounds seize, her and the old man head out to venture. They spot a young warrior under a tree. He is bleeding under his armor. They get closer and it's him.

It is the Prince! They aid him with his injuries, until he becomes cognitive and can move. He realizes it's Rosly!

"Oh Rosly, dear love you saved me. I am fortunate to have been saved. You are an angel to me. War broke out, after my wedding, and I set out to defend. I fell unconscious to a defeat.

"Yes, thank the Heaven, but not me."

Silence fell between both. Rosly was angry to see the Prince. He had hurt her, not too long ago.

"Please dear Prince, let me live here. I do not wish to return. Fate, has us here together right now, but I hope it is the last time. Please honor my plea, for I have helped you."

"Your departure, I must honor. You saved my life. I will return to my Kingdom."

After that encounter Rosly's body starts to feel different. She begins to grow and let it be fate, it is a baby! She gives birth to a beautiful little girl. Her name is Juliet. Just like the play from Shakespeare. Now, she is a mother like the one she lost. Tears fall during her child rearing. She faints..

Rosly, loses her life giving birth. Her time has seized. There is no return to the past she wanted, and the present has left as well. She births another life, however, and leaves a piece of herself to Juliet. She promises, to guide her from heaven, and to be her Light. The Prince is her father and her mother is now an angel. Oh, dear Rosly, left this world! A baby she leaves. The gift from an unexpected encounter.

Rosly leaves her final words:

"From the clouds, I will watch you, Juliet.
I will guide you, in either moon or sunset,
By a feather, just know, its mother Rosly.
Who will follow you, very closely.

My dear daughter, I will tend to you.
Even though, it's me, you hardly knew.
I will be above, to be your guardian,
When it's hopeless, I will bring light, again."

The End.

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