

the knocking Lady
She walked through streets, towns and citys. The old Lady knocked on different doors and asked strangers everytime the same question.
"Are you happy? Did you find a real home to return to?"
Many of the people reacted irritated and didn't give an answer.
They werent polite and slamed the doors.
No one knew this woman. Rumors were spreading about that " confused old Lady"
One Day she stopped knocking.
And out of days, become months and a year passed.
In a park on a bench sat a wise woman. She looked similar to that rumored person. A stranger noticed her and trys to start a conversation.
" Good morning. may i asked you something?"
The Lady said: "sure."
" Are you the "knocking Lady"?"
" Yes i am."
" Why did you asked everyone the same question? Are the rumors true?
What did you mean by that question and why did you stop seaching for an answer?"
"First i didnt stop knocking. i still knock to the doors of your hearts. And out of thousend peoples and after a long time, your the first one who have the courage to asked me these questions.
Second i lost my husband and i lost out of pain the control of my life.
Now i live with the pain in conscious.
ive grown stronger.
And the Question... i dont know exactly what i was up to.
Maybe i searched for my husband and wanted to hear that last answer before i couldnt talk to him anymore.
Maybe i saw in everyone my lost person.
But what shocks me positive and negative, that only one human tries to look behind the scene."