

the secret of forest
once upon time deep in the city there lived a man named John he was fond of exploring the dence forest because it was very interesting for him to do so. one day whe John was going back to his home. he got a call from his friend. his friend name Jackson and he lived near the forest and he was also forest officier. he told john that something usual is going on this forest and he requested him to come to the forest in the morning and start to investigate that what is going on in the forest. hearing the forest story from Jackson. he said to him that he was a forest explore not a detective. but Jackson told him that he was away better from the detective and he requested him to come. so John agreed and he told Jackson that he will come in the morning to the forest and he start to investigate. hearing this Jackson was very much happy and he thanked him for agreeing. and he told him that he will see him tomorrow.