

the horror house
Once upon a time live a person she had 5 kids and a husband the kids name were Ella she is 16 Stella is 15 Amber is 12 issabelle is 10 and the last daniella she was five the husband and the mum was nick and the mum were haley. One day there were moving into a 4 bedroom house Ella and Amber shared, Stella and issabelle shared daniella got her own. So after that they started decorating it turned to midnight so they all wen to there rooms asleep in Stella and issabelles room was something very horrifieng when they wen asleep behind the door was a a girl who used to live there her name was lilly but she got crashed by a car and her mother died by heart atach her father died by breathing problem so she was a ghost there she was always being that door. "Stella why did u just fart'" said issabelle. "I didn't it was u"' "ughh I know what I smelt"' said issabelle and in Ella and Amber's room on top of the word robe was a ghost she used to live here after lolly got crashed by a car then lully killed her her name was cora her parents u something weird was happening so they ran away. Nothing happens to them until Amber sleeped walked All the way to the wardrobe and started knocking her head there. Ella heard the noises and said. "What are u doing" Amber didn't answer so she went there got her and put her on the bed she went near the wardrobe cause she heard a noise Amber said "don't" but she went anyways she went near the creapy wardrobe and chrked nothing was there "look up" said Amber she did and saw the ghost cora she jumped on her. She screamed so loud the whole family heard the parent qikly ran in "what's going on" said nick. Amber talled them everything. "it's only ur imaganeation" said nick. The. They all went asleep the next morning daniella went in the garden to see the dog but the nstead found him dead she screamed ahhhhhh in a squeaky voice. The parents ran What's wrong they said and they looked "oh no" aiad the mum the dad took all of them school and the mum went work the mum worked for peaple who help other peaple with problrms they have seen a lot more then u imagane after they showed everyone a video she asked if they could help her family and told them what happend. So they said OK and came home and they meeted all the kids and went to investigate when they went in Amber and Ella's room they saw some black blood "what's that" said nick. "black blood" aiad the invesagetiars after the investigation haley made tee and told them what's happening "so what's happening here is that ur family isn't seeing anything unusual it's the house 10 years ago before ur kids were born was a girl she lived her name is lilly she died by a heart atach she was only 10 her dad dies by a breathing problem and her mum died by a heart atach and now who ever lives here she will haunt them. "Oh gosh we need to leave" said haley. "u can't ULL only make it worse if u leave cause she will follow u until she kills u and if she sees u run away she will kill u in a scarier way so all we need to do is take her heart out" said the boy investigator after they left it was midnight. Oh gosh I wonder what else happens" said haley. That night issabelle and Stella were asleep but someone was dragging issabelle of she said stop Stella Stella said stop whta she said stop pulling she aiad I'm not after that it pulled her full of the bed she got so scared she whispered Stella "what" said Stella. There someone behind the door said issabelle. "what".said Stella. Stella takes her to the bed and went to the door to prove nothing was there she touched it nothing was there them it grabbed her and closed the door she screams the whole family came issabelle was crying after that horrible night the investigators came and this time tried to get it they stayed for a few hours then two more investor gators came they were picturing something unusual after a bit the girl took Stella she was holding on to the wall and screaming. Everyone grabbed her but she was to strong haley qiuly got there and instead she got summoned to take her children to the green house so she did until nick and the dad found out they ran for her she went in and took them she tried to kill issabelle but nick stopt her he put her on a chair and summoned her to turn back to what she was. and the dad Tried to deafet the person who was summoning her to kill her children but she pushed him away and she stabbed him and then the other investigator holdef her head and daniella was in the car hiding the other investigator was protecting her and the other investigator who was holding her head said rember all the thing u talled me how much u loved ur family she started crying she kept and saying that and it summoned her to be good and the ghost never exited again


This is a true story just its a bot different it's on Netflix it called the conjuring watch it now