

King's Night
Light the lamps for the King returns,
Victorious and valiant,
In an eternal battle with,
A ten headed enemy...

But for what is the enemy the King fights
He tries and tries with all his might
To conquer and kill, but not quite
That evil twin, still reins this night

That twin reflects the same cold eyes
Reflects a passion, not disguised
Reflects a callous daring and drive
Reflects the old man, oh so wise

Will his enemy raise again
Battling against him like an old friend
Or is the battle really within
Confusion settles as he rides in

Cold and dreary is the long night
As the King rides with his trusted Knights
The wind whips and howls through the dim light
The deep, darkening shadows bring on a fright

The brave King, never loses sight
Leading his strong Army from tbe last fight
Winning again, but losses weren't light
Saddened with victory on this dark night.

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© Tessa🦋