

Warriors Journey•Rise of the Demon part 3
chapter 3- Three Pilliars of Exsistence

"Your first step to becoming a Demon Guard member is choosing your weapon. Think hard about this because you'll be stuck with this class of weapon until death That's what makes this process so special. Your weapon will be apart of your very being…until death".

Kenshi tells Ben of the ways of the Demon Gaurd. He stood surrounded by Demon members, no longer dressed in black. They were dressed in their regular clothes as they shouted different weapons names at Ben. Ben really had no idea what weapon would be good for him. He'd never used or even seen weapons. He'd only seen King Polo's staff and that wasn't even used for combat.

He took a long look at the weapons that were lined in front of him. Long swords, short swords, battle-axes. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and thought. He took Kenshi's word for it, the weapon he chooses would be with him till death.

Ben speaks to himself inside his head." What would work for me? What does the adventure inside me want? What would King Polo do? Wait, he's a pacifist. " Then he spoke. He shouted his weapon." Katana!", Ben yelled. He had chosen the katana because he had a vision of King Polo, his ideal, using a golden katana. He wanted to be just like King Polo.

Kenshi started speaking," Right. Let's go to Keji". Ben and Kenshi started to walk down a hill with a little stone path. Luckily this one had brick stones. Unlike all other paths on the island. Very quickly, they arrived at the black Smith's forge. The building was made of stone bricks, just like the path. The buildings were built under a slope and tiny trees were growing around it. It was hidden and cozy.

As they opened the dark door, the smith, Keji, was already working on a piece. He stopped and stared as if they interrupted his process. " Keji. We got a katana ", Kenshi said as if a demand.

The man who sat on a metal bench in front of his forge was named Keji, the Royal Blacksmith. His job was to make weapons for the Demon Guard. He had a black beard from the ash of his glowing forge. His face was smudged with ash and coal. He looked at Ben and said," This one". He pointed, still with one hand on the blade that was still white-hot." Your katana will be ready in three days", he said with joy and a smile. Ben didn't expect him to be so nice. Kenshi was the meanest person he'd ever met and Keji looked meaner, but really wasn't.

" Thank you", Ben said to Keji. Kenshi led Ben out of the forge and back up to the training grounds. They walked into the tent that King Polo and Ben were in two nights ago. Kenshi walks behind the desk and opens the chest. He pulls out something wrapped in clothe. He pulled the cloth off quickly to reveal a gold and white scabbard.
Kenshi holds out the sword in both hands, as if to say, 'take it'. Even though Ben had only known Kenshi for a short while, he knew that he was overprotective of his possessions." Take it, Ben. Hold the power of the ten rulers in your hands". Kenshi had a serious expression on his face. Ben could tell how important the blade was to him.

He reached out with both hands and took the covered blade. Pulling it in slow and gentle. " Th-this is the same sword that every Ruler used?" Ben stuttered. Kenshi had the faintest glow of a smile on his face. Kenshi answered," Jikian. The sword of seven kings, three queens and 100,000 years old. Every ruler placed 1% of their power Into it. It's been mine for the past ten years". Ben noticed it was the same sword that King Polo used in his vision.

Ben's confidence shrank as he handed it back to Kenshi. He wanted to be that strong. " Maybe your sword will live that long", Kenshi said respectfully. He said something nice for once. Ben was surprised. Then Kenshi got serious once more." Okay. Moving on". Kenshi reached under his desk and pulled out a book. He placed on the desk next to where the Laws of Nature lied. He flipped through it until he reached about halfway through it. He spun it around to face Ben. " I'm assuming your not so familiar with the process of becoming a Demon Gaurd Member". Ben shook his head in agreement.

" Okay. What we do first is pick a weapon. That's our physical-" Ben interrupts." Oh! The three Pillars of Existence. I understand this. There's a mental, a physical and a spiritual. Physical is the weapon, mental is the Ikik Taka, spiritual is your place in the universe!". Kenshi was utterly shocked. Although it wasn't such a difficult thing to learn, it amazed him." I underestimated you, Ben", Kenshi said.

" Alright. You seem similar to the Three Pillars of Existence. Now you've completed the physical pillar, next is the mental pillar. Also, know as the Ikik Taka. Every Ruler has created one based on how they lived and what they believed. Your job right now is to choose one, based on how you want to live".

Ben nodded and took the book. He ran his finger down the two pages. He didn't want to choose a random Ikik Taka and ruin his life so he read vividly.

The Ikik Taka's read:

1. Path of Kojo
An Ikik Taka of King Roku. Studying plants, the planet, the ecosystems on the planet and everything that creates the plants' existence.

2. Path of Hatred
The Ikik Taka of Ikari. The embodiment of anger and hate. Studying the ways of channeling anger and turning it into raw power. The strongest and most powerful of the Ikik Takas.

3. Path of Flow
The Ikik Taka of the first Queen of Malema, Queen Soa. This way of life created for those who understand that the universe has a plan and that they must follow this flow.

4. The way of creation
King Kuro's Ikik Taka of Black Smithing. The way of flame and steel. The ability to forge and create. Following this Ikik Taka means that you enjoy the flow of creation, but with creation comes destruction. You have to be okay with failure and understand that it happens but also be able to continue creating.

5. Equality of animals
The second Queen of Malema, Queen Ikimono was born among the creatures. She grew up with them and later decided that they were more important than her. This is her way of life, this is the Equality of animals.

6. Mythical Enlightenment
The child of Queen Ikimono, Queen Lammè followed the path of the higher beings, dragons. They took her in as if their own. Following the path of her mother, she dedicated her life to them since they helped her.

7. Pyro
The way of fire and destruction. In the heat of the flame, the pinecone opens and spreads its seeds. Without fire, there isn't growth. King Kan was born, taught and killed by fire. This is the way of the Pyro.

8. Way of Building
King Zosen doesn't care what you build. As long as someone has a use for it, it's great. Studying King Zosen means you are interested in building. Whether it be ships, boats, huts, etc. Zosen is right for you.

9. Golden Soul
King Gold, the master that taught Polo the ways of the universe. Choosing to study the ways of King Gold means your interested in the ways of the universe and its mechanics.

10. Peace and tranquility
King Polo transformed King Gold's teachings into his own way of life. If peace and pacifism are what you want in your life, King Polo's teaching is the way.

Ben didn't know what he wanted. Of course, he wanted to study King Polo's teachings, but maybe he could study another Ruler and gain more knowledge that way. He didn't know. He didn't want to upset King Polo for not choosing his way of life but he even said himself, "You'll wish for knowledge and peace, but deep down you will accept the daring life of an adventurer…of a hero".

He knows Bens a hero even though Ben didn't think so. If Ben chooses King Polo's Ikik Taka then he'd be a pacifist, but adventure means exploring and seeing things you'd never see. Hell, if Ben had come this far he might as fell choose Mythical Enlightenment and live among the dragons. But he'd never seen dragons before. Ben worried, his mind raced.

He knew what he wanted, even if it wasn't what he thought King Polo would want." Mythical Enlightenment...My Ikik Taka that I'll follow for the rest of my life is Mythical Enlightenment ".

Kenshi smiled," It fits your style. You know I chose the Path of Hatred". Ben didn't want to be rude but he came extra close to saying,' that fits you too'.

" The final process of becoming a Demon Gaurd member is having a goal that we will help you accomplish as a brotherhood".

Choosing your place in the universe seemed easier than the rest of the process." I wish to learn magic so that I can serve the creatures of Malema".

Kenshi gave a smirk that kind of gave mixed signals. He was smiling, angry and upset all in the same facial expression. "Well, while we're waiting for your sword for the next three days we might as well head back to the Castle. Meet back up with your our Fathers ".

Ben nodded in and held open the tent door for Kenshi. They walked out with Kenshi leading. " All right men!", he announced. " I'm gonna walk Ben here back to the Kings Castle. In the meantime, why don't you go fishing or swimming down by the beach ". Kenshi's squad screamed for joy. Ben looked up and over at Kenshi, he had a grin. He was happy. Ben had seen Kenshi happy only a few times before and it still seemed too rare.

Kenshi leads Ben down the same dirt path that King Polo had brought them up before. After a couple of minutes of walking down the path, Ben got curious and asked Kenshi a question. " Hey, Kenshi, what's it like being the son of The King?"
Kenshi took a second, but eventually, he responded.

"It's not easy. Living in a shadow casted by the Planet's strongest man. By the planets King and Ruler".

"Oh, I'm sor- "

"NO!" Kenshi demanded.

" Pity is the last thing I need. If I'm going to be King of Malema then I will live off my own greatness".

" Your goal is becoming the King of Malema?"

He hesitated." Yes".

" If you will help me with my goal then I will help you become King of Malema!"

Kenshi stopped in his tracks and turned around. Ben ran into Kenshi's armor. As he stared down at him he spoke slow." You, will help me become King of Malema?"
Ben nodded.
Kenshi giggled in disbelief.
" You". He stopped and remembered what his father had whispered to him.
He smiled and said," You might be able to help me. Let's go to the Kings Castle ".

As they arrived at the gleaming white castle, King Polo and Dr. Gemm walked up to the dou.

Gemm spoke first." How was your initiation, Ben?"
Ben answered," It was great. I got a katana, my Ikik Taka and me and Kenshi are best friends".

"We're not friends", Kenshi stated.
" We're definitely friends", Ben whispered.
" We hugged ".
Kenshi angrily stared.

" Oh. You chose a katana?" King Polo said nervously.
" Ya. I had a vision of you using a gold and white one. Actually, now that you remind me, it's a lot like Kenshi's".

King Polo couldn't let Ben find out that he gave him the vision. He cant have Ben moving an inch out of the plan he has for him." Maybe it was a memory from a dream", King Polo stated.