

At bootcamp..
The next morning I was tired not getting to bed until after 4 and having a 2 mile hike kept my mind off of Sam. Today was the longest day I ever had in my life I couldn't wait until everybody went to sleep to swim.
I got my shower got into bed played sleep so noone would talk to me. Time slowly went by and the others were asleep by 10:30 I'm out of here I though. I got on my shoes grabbing a towel I left almost running.
I walked down the path leading to the pond Sam was already in, it's my night he said unless you want to join me.
He swam around like he was trying to taunt me you had it last night tonight it's mine.
I just stood at the bank watching him while he enjoyed his swim. Swimming over to the edge where I was standing, are you with anyone West he asked me. What's up with all the questions we're not even supposed to be talking I said.
I wanna know he said looking me in the eye,
I turned and look the other way as Sam started out of the water not that I didn't want to look but respect.
I wasn't there to swim but he didn't need to telk him that. After he got dressed he walked over picked up some rocks and started skipping them across the pond
it's just that you're starting to come here every night and there's things I to know he said. No, we're here and I want you to know that your talking to me is starting to hurt I said. He didn't even turn around to look at me goodnight West he said as he walked away. I got back to the dorm and I was asleep before my head hit the pillow
I don't even know if I dreamed I know I don't remember one. The next morning I had all kinds of things running through my head. But the biggest thing was I go to stop going to the pond. I liked going there to swim but things were starting to be more than swimming. He is talking to me and I didn't know or trust him even if I did see him every day. Men had shown me that they could live double even triple lives even more than that. And anyway nowadays most don't love anymore if love is what I'm look for.
Anyways it takes more than just words to build something special but that hit and miss thing will never be on my todo list. My head was full of questions so I just won't go to the pond anymore I thought. The day went on as usual and everybody has something to do so I'll just do my work and take things one day at a time. I'll talk to him if and when he talks to me I thought.

© "Cloud