

Relationship Episode 5
When rajiv went to smita's room and he slept there suddenly he heard some noise when he went out of the room some one came in to the room and he tried to kidnap smita but suddenly rajiv comes in to the room when he enters the room he saw somebody was going out of the room through window he tried to catch him but he failed after that rajiv came back to smita's room meanwhile smita opened her eyes and she saw rajiv, smita smiled seeing rajiv and she asked rajiv that how he knew that she was in the hospital rajiv told smita that this is not the time to discuss these things.

Rajiv asked smita that how this happened and how she came to the hospital, smita told rajiv that someone was planning to break their married life and while she was listening these things suddenly she felt unconscious and she fell down some people saw this and they dropped smita to hospital. hearing this rajiv tells one nurse to sit with her and he runs home when he reaches home he asks his mother about chit, sumita finds that chit and she gives to rajiv when rajiv read that chit he started thinking rajiv again read's that chit he concentrate's on handwriting immediately he runs to the hospital.

Next episode coming soon.............