


LUCIFER and SATAN, these two names always stand out, representing the ultimate evil, but the truth is LUCIFER is Not SATAN.

In this chapter, we'll be exploring ancient texts, banned knowledge, and secrets. Symbolism as we reveal how history and consciousness have been manipulated through the power of symbols.

We will also be answering an even more important question, If LUCIFER ISN'T SATAN, THEN WHO IS HE?

You might believe that Lucifer is found In the bible but that's not truein fact, Lucifer isn't in the bible at all. Go ahead and grab a bible right now and look for the name Lucifer…

Oh! wait, didn't find it, did you? Actually, It is possible that you might have found it once. See, in most translations you won't find it anywhere at all, but in certain translations of the Bible, the name LUCIFER APPEARS exactly ONCE.

In ISAIAH 14:12 to be precise, which says. “How art thou fallen from heaven, oh Lucifer, son of the morning”

But here's the kicker, this single reference to Lucifer was actually a MISINTERPRETATION and never ment to refer to any kind of SUPERNATURAL BEING.

In the original HEBREW LANGUAGE of the Bible, the word that got translated as Lucifer is actually HALEL which means SHINING ONE or MORNING STAR.

So what's that all about? Well, it's talking about the PLANET VENUS, which you can see shining bright in the sky right before sunrise, It's the MORNING STAR.

See, it's not ABOUT a FALLEN ANGEL at all, This verse in ISAIAH is actually about the KING OF BABYLON, and they called this KING HALEL or MORNING STAR to make a point. The writers were saying that this BABYLONIAN KING was like the MORNING STAR that he was important and powerful shining bright in his kingdom.

But then he lost his power and faded away.

The verse ISN'T about GOOD VERSUS EVIL in HEAVEN, it was a poetic way to talk about a POWERFUL KING who FELL FROM GRACE. In fact, almost all MODERN ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS of the BIBLE don't use the word Lucifer in that verse anymore instead, they say MORNING STAR or DAY STAR, pointing out that is it's really about VENUS.

This means that in most modern bibles the name LUCIFER appears exactly ZERO TIMES.

But here's the problem, that one mistranslation had a massive impact. As Christianity spread and Roman Culture began to mix with Christian beliefs, the name Lucifer took on a whole new meaning. People began to associate it's with the Christian concept of a fallen angel thanks to stories and artworks in that time, so the name LUCIFER started to stick around as a label for this FALLEN ANGEL, even though that was NOT ITS ORIGINAL MEANING.

So what is its original meaning? In Roman mythology, LUCIFER WASN'T a PERSON or any kind of MYTHICAL BEING as I said before, it was the NAME for the PLANET VENUS when it appeared as...