

A Man And His Dog #3
Leo clinched the wooden rails, looking at the two dogs fighting each other. The dogs squirmed and bit at each other, sometimes they would let out cries of pain. "Uh, Cruise…" Said Leo. "The dogs…when will they stop fighting?" Leo asked, still gripping the wooden rail, it gave a few splinters in his hand, but he didn't notice. Cruise laughed.
"Well, when one of them hits the ground,"
Leo felt his adrenaline running, But why, he wasn’t doing anything but just watching the dogs fight each other. Cruise saw Leo shaking, gripping the rail, his hands turning red. Cruise walked up to Leo.
"You feel it, don't you?" Asked Cruise. Leo looked confused.
"Feel what!?" Leo asked.
"The intensity of this fight! Your heart pumps every time you think about that 20 dollar bill! And to see which dog wins!" Leo nods.
"I do feel it, but-what about the dogs? Will they survive? Is this…right?" Cruise sighed.
"Yes, it's for a good cause, I’m helping you! You're just trying to get some money after all, and no one would let you in, except for…me!" Leo raised a brow.
"Ok…" Leo says. "I guess you're right about that." Leo saw the German Shepherd hit the ground, unresponsive, Leo relaxed himself, as he knew he won the bet. The man sighed handing Leo his 20 dollars. He then walked away. Leo couldn't believe it. He just got paid for just sitting there.
"See, Leo!" Said Cruise. "There’s more of where it came from too!" Leo looked back at the German Shepherd who was stiff on the ground. The dog was dead, but that thought seemed to fly right over Leo's head.
"Why don't ywou come back here sometime, huh?'' asked Cruise. Leo smiled.
"Um, sure, why not, of course!” Leo said. Hiroshi growled in annoyance. Leo took Hiroshi by the leash and walked away. Leo met up with Marrisa outside. She was smoking a cigar. “So you’re Cruise's new favorite, huh?” Leo tilted his head to the side.
“What do you mean by that?” Asked Leo. “Why be so…jealous of me?” Marissa laughed,
“Me?” Marissa scoffed. “Jealous of a poor hobo like you, not in a million years!” Marissa looked down at Hiroshi. “What’s your dog’s name..huh?” She asked.
“His name is…Hiroshi! And, he’s not really my dog.” Leo responded. Marissa seemed intrigued.
“So he’s a stray…” Leo nods. “Poor dog, he’s been fending for himself his whole life on the streets. Only to waste the rest of his life away in a gruesome fighting ring..” Leo chuckled.
"What!? No, no that’s not true! Hiroshi-Hiroshi won't spend his life in a-a fighting ring! Trust me!" Leo said laughing.

Two Weeks Later:

Leo was in the ring with his dog, Hiroshi. He was sitting with Cruise. "These two weeks have been amazing! More people are coming for the money. And the fights. We still have to watch out for those law folks." Leo nods. "Y’know Leo, I'm lucky to have you, If would have ever found you then who knows! This place would have been a pile of rubble." Leo flushed.
"Thanks, Cruise." Cruise smiled looking down at Hiroshi, Hiroshi snarled at him. "Say," Started Cruise. "How about Hiroshi getting involved in the fighting ring!?" Leo nearly choked on his own spit when he heard the words come out of Cruise's mouth.
"L-like fighting!?" Leo asked.
"Come on, think about it? You've come so far, and if it weren't for me, you'd still be out on those streets, digging in the trash with raccoons as your friends! And you're the reason why this place has grown so much." Leo held his head down looking at Hiroshi, then at the fighting ring. "O…okay." Leo said. Cruise clapped his hands together.
"Good! Now get him ready!" Said Cruise getting up and walking away. Leo sighed looking at Hiroshi. He did a slight chuckle. "You ready buddy…?" He said to Hiroshi. Hiroshi made a groaning noise as he whimpered.
"That's the spirit!" Leo says. Marissa walked by clearing her throat, getting Leo's attention.
"What was that about you saying Hiroshi wouldn't spend his life In a dog fighting ring?" Leo shrugged.
"I…don't know what you’re talking about."
"Don't play dumb with me!" Marrisa said she went up to Hiroshi, kneeling down and petting him. She puckered her lips talking all cute to Hiroshi.
"Aw, is that mean 'ol Leo forcing you to fight?" Leo rolled his eyes.
"Please stop touching my dog." Leo said being annoyed. Marissa looked up at Leo, she scoffed.
"Uh, last time I heard, this dog was a stray." Leo tugged the dog's leash, leading Hiroshi over to him.
"Well I found him fair and square, so he's mine." Marissa sighed.
"Whatever. I hope you enjoy being pampered by Cruise!" Leo gasped.
"What!? Pampered!?" Marissa ignored Leo walking away. Leo mutters. "I am not being pampered by Cruise!"

The next day Leo was at his apartment getting ready for the dog fighting ring. With all this money he gained he was now able to afford an apartment, all thanks to Cruise! Leo knelt down towards Hiroshi. "You ready buddy?" Leo said, patting Hiroshi on his head. Leo made sure he would look good, just in case he lost the bet he didn't want to look like a fool, so he slicked his hair back, wearing a black suit. Leo and Hiroshi made it to the fighting ring. Leo was anxious, he thought this was a bad idea, but for some reason, he felt like he had no choice but to. “Hiroshi…” Leo said in a shaky voice. “When you get in that ring, I need you to fight!” Leo wasn’t sure if Hiroshi could even understand him or not. As he got closer to the ring, everything faded to black. Leo only saw himself, Hiroshi, and the pit. Everyone was cheering for him, but all those cries faded away. He saw the other dog enter the ring, it was too a Pit Bull. The handler took the leash from Leo’s hand guiding Hiroshi to the pit. The handler started tugging aggressively at Hiroshi, just get him riled up and making him mad, poking him with a cane. The other dog snarled at Hiroshi, baring their teeth, they stood there for a good moment, then with no warning, they released both of the dogs off of their leashes. Leo watched as Hiroshi ran away from the other dog, trying to avoid the fight. Hiroshi ran around in circles trying to find a way out of the ring, but Hiroshi began to realize that there was no way out of the ring, surrounded by a wooden border that kept him trapped there. Hiroshi looked around, scared and confused. The other dog ran towards Hiroshi making his attack, he bit Hiroshi in the side, strangling him. Leo winced as he saw Hiroshi hit the ground being strangled. He clenched his fist. “Fight, back!” Leo said. Looking at Hiroshi. Hiroshi quickly got up whimpering, running away. He was still looking for a way out. The other Pit bull snarled and barked at Hiroshi, as if trying to get him to surrender. A pool of blood fell from Hiroshi’s side. The dog charged for Hiroshi again. If Hiroshi didn’t act fast, he would drop down dead Hiroshi stood there for a moment, dismayed as he watched the dog run towards him. Hiroshi quickly ran out the way, still running. Finally, after losing hope of a way out, Hiroshi knew the only way to escape the ring would be to fight back, or just lose. Hiroshi looked at his owner, Leo, seeing if he could get him out of this situation. But Leo seemed to be too ingrained in the fight to notice him. Hiroshi with all his might charged back at the dog, he bit done on the dog’s neck, the dog yelped in pain. Hiroshi wouldn’t let go of the dog's neck, he held down tightly. The dog tried to fight back, but no matter what, Hiroshi still had a tight grip on his neck. Finally Hiroshi decided to let go, his teeth were now a tainted red from the blood. The other dog yelped, running away. They stayed away from each other for a moment. Hiroshi looked around at all the people gathered together, stomping their feet and chanting. Hiroshi and the Pit Bull charge at each other. They strangle each other once more, Hiroshi bites down on the dog's leg. The dog yelps, limping away as fast as he can, the dog fell to the ground, he could no longer stand, Hiroshi ran after the dog, The dog lay there on the ground, knowing it was over for him, he sat there groaning and whimpering in pain. Hiroshi approaches the dog, growling, just one more hit, and that dog would be dead. Hirodi inched closer, slowly opening his jaw, getting ready to put the dog out of its misery. “NO! HIROSHI STOP!” A voice yelled in the crowd. Hirsho turned his head towards Leo who called out his name. “The fight…it’s over, Hiroshi, you won!” Leo yelled. It’s not like Hiroshi new what Leo was saying, but it destricted him enough for the handlers to take the injured dog away, leaving Hiroshi standing alone. Hiroshi, had won the fight. The people roared in excitement. As The crowd cheered, Leo felt something that he never felt before. It felt like he was needed, wanted. Now everyone wanted to bet on Leo’s dog. Leo smiled, knowing that if people dared to face Hiroshi, they would lose, and he’d be getting the money, a never ending cycle that goes on and on. Leo felt his hair on the back of his neck stand. He slowly looked behind him, it was just Cruise.
“That’s one strong dog you got there.” Leo nods
“Hiroshi, did good.” Said Leo. He saw Hiroshi being taken away by one of the handlers. Leo sighed. he knew that people would finely give him the respect that he deserves. Leo made his way to go fetch Hiroshi, a man suddely appeared in front of Leo, as if coming right from the shadows. He looked to at least in his 50’s. The guy had a cold ark voice. “Young, man.” He said, He had a white bristly mustach, holding a black cane. He slightly smiled, but it looked more of a smug look. “You have a strong dog.” The guy said. He tapped his cane on the ground twice. A dark figure came out the shadows, it was a large, black wolf dog. Just staring at it made Leo feel nauseous. He knew that if Hiroshi where to fight this dog, he wouldn’t stand a chance. The Wolf dog snarled at Leo, slowly approaching him. “I due hope we will fight each other someday.” Leo didn’t say anything back, he glared at him, Leo knew he was trying to act all posh and nice. The guy nods as he walked away with his wolf dog following after. Leo watched in silence as they disappeared in the crowd. Leo needed to up his game, he neede to make Hiroshi more stronger, faster, and better. Hiroshi was almost a goner in this fight. “You think your wolf dog is all that!” Leo spat as he walked away. But Leo was just all bark and no bite, no way he would have said that derectly to that guy’s face. Would Hiroshi actually stand a chance against a wolf dog?

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