

Waiting To Be Known..🖤
Waiting to be known....
By the law of their thinking..
Silliness of their deepest thinking,
Alarming the thoughts of numbest rising,
Invisible strings holding the struggle to look upon,
Traveling of motivated echos,
Breaking slowly...
with the spells of darkness,
"Defination of success can never be defined by you..."

Appearing as a listener,
Bleeding with the blow,
As a prisoner of their thinking,
Pushing the rhythms back,
When it's time for them,
To embrace the grace tighty,
Facing off with the challengers of future,
Letting go off the slippness of past,
Messing with the mindset of illusions,

Know that you know..
" Its Hard on your own.."
Know that you well experienced..
" There's always a risk sterring a life.."
Know that you won't understand
The aftermath of making unwanted mistakes,

Wanna you to know beforehand,
" Flower takes time to bloom on it's own.. 🌺
Always being neglected by you,
Is it really a real doom..?
At the end of the day..
I'll learn to accept,
I hope I can value and not disrespect..
Damage is done..
yet somehow..
I Managed to grow on my own,

Can you numb the screams of these crackling fears...?
Can you once try to walk beyond the boundaries of old fashioned space..?
Can you try to fill the deepest wounds with beauty of perfection..?

Learning to step back..
Sit patiently and wait..
for the things to turn...

" Let it go..set it free..
And karma will take care...
Of the things..
what is meant to be.."

Waiting to be known....🖤
By the law of their thinking....

© piece to shine