

It is only through death that another soul can be born. Darkness engulfed the kingdom. The darkness of magic. Queen Arwen wanted a heir for her kingdom, and that is how it all began. Queen Arwen’s son ‘Argur’ was married to princess ‘Aravis’

Queen Arwen was a responsible monarch. She fought alone with her enemies. Her power was immense. She was terrifying. She felt weak when everyone ditched her, telling her 'Her kingdom doesn't have a heir'.

Princess Aravis was unlucky! She can’t give birth to children. She was equally upset as Princess Aravis. She wished to have a daughter or son. She wanted to play with the heir of the Craudion kingdom.

Queen Arwen approached a friend who could help her. Morgan the witch was Queen Arwen's friend. Morgan was the same age as Arwen. She also had a daughter. Who was evil in thoughts.

Morgan was a witch by name, but she was a kindhearted and beautiful woman. Morgan lived at the end of the kingdom. On the edge of the Craudion kingdom, there is a hill called Morgan's Hill.

Walking near the hill, one can feel the enchantment in the air.

During her visit to her hill, Queen Arwen asked for her assistance. As Queen Arwen helped Morgan many times, she hoped Morgan would also help her.

Morgan's only words were "Let a soul rest in peace so that another soul can live." Queen Arwen was confused by Morgan's words. Does anyone want to sacrifice their own life so that someone else can live?

"I will sacrifice myself." Queen Arwen replied. Morgan was upset at one point because Arwen was her friend. It wasn't a good idea to kill someone to save someone. 

Morgan told her what to do in order to bring the heir to life. Queen Arwen told this secret to her daughter-in-law or Princess Aravis. Initially, Aravis was opposed to this idea, but agreed when the Queen said, "Just believe I am going to be born again in the form of an heir."

One day later, Queen Arwen walked through the woods of Craudion. Suddenly, a sword popped up from the ground in the middle of the woods. She stabbed herself with the sword. That sword was strong! A sword like that can also take Morgan's life or the life of a sorcerer.

As time passed, a princess was born to the kingdom after the death of Queen Arwen. The one who brought light to the kingdom. A glow emanated from her. She smiled in fear. She was gorgeous. She was perfect. Her red hair made her unique. Princess was named ‘Rehana’

Prince Argur and Princess Aravis became the new king and queen after the death of Arwen. They led the kingdom down the right path. To make the kingdom happy, they fought hard.

Rehana grew healthy while her mother, Queen Aravis, became more ill.  As a child, Rehana always had a difficult time seeing her mother ill. Queen Arwen's black magic with Morgan made her mother ill.

King Argur was unaware of  the story behind Rehana's birth and Aravis' illness. As Rehana grew older, her curiosity about her mother's illness grew as well. It puzzled her. Why did the disease have no name? She never understood why her mother was sick for so long.

Under the shade of a tree, Rehana sat with her sword in hand.  She worked hard to improve her skills. The perfect warrior of Craudion, she was. She was intelligent. Her purity was unquestionable.

Her hair is whirling because of a strong wind. "Another windy day," she said as she looked at the sky.

From the grassy ground, she walked into the castle. Day by day, her worry about the kingdom grew. The king's welfare concerned her. Her father was equally concerned. The kingdom was under tremendous financial pressure.

From the castle window, she looked out. Her view was dominated by the hill at the end of the kingdom. Looking around the kingdom's houses, she sighed. Slowly, it became empty. Illness was killing people.

The illness remained a mystery!

On the other hand, on Morgans Hill, it was all vile. Since Morgan's death, the hill has been in a gloomy state. The daughter of Morgan was called Hades. She wanted to hold all of the kingdom in her hands. She didn't like being called the witch of Morgans. Her identity remained secret because of her mother. People never identified her. The only thing people knew about her was that she was Morgan's daughter.

Her goal was to become powerful! Power was all she wanted. She wished to rule the kingdom. She wanted to be known as the witch Hades. Hades, however, lacked the kind behavior of her mother. She acted wickedly.

Hades was throwing all her items around the house. They lived in a small house, of course. The house was located on a hill.

When she finally found that book, Hades' eyes shone with happiness. The book she had, which contained all the answers, made her happy. In that book, Witch Morgan provided all the solutions to the problems. Additionally, she described the birth of Rehana and the solution to the illness of Queen Aravis.

Hades flipped through the pages, her eyes following each letter. A wicked smirk spread across her face! Her path was the wrong one.

 Instead of choosing the right one, she chose the wrong one.

She now desires Rehana! No! Blood of Rehana! Her goal was to increase her powers with Rehana's blood. She had other plans. Upon killing Rehana, she will become the queen of Craudion.

It was written clearly in the book,

“Princess Rehana’s blood is magical. She can heal hearts! She can heal curses! She can heal deaths.”

Hades walked into her potion room. Filling one small bottle with purple liquid, she placed it on the table. Her smirk never left her face.

But Rehana did not realise that the book she left open on the table could end her stinking plans and also her life.

In the kitchen of the castle, Hades walked. With magic, she was able to change her face easily. Changing into a castle maid, she entered the kitchen. When the maids started bringing meals into the dining area, she mixed the purple liquid into the milk.

Hades waited for the princess in her bedroom. Adding milk to the potion rendered Rehana unable to fight. Hades can easily take Rehana to the hill and kill her if she has less strength.

However, everything went in the opposite direction. Rehana walked into her room with her father. Her father was weak from before. His eyes were red and his body was turning pale.

Rehana was concerned about her father. She couldn't think clearly. She was worried if the illness had spread to her father as well. 

Hades in the room caught Rehana's attention. As a maiden, Hades stood before Rehana.

“Can you bring some water ?" Hades nodded quickly as Rehana asked for water. She was caught at that point. Her hand had an eagle tattoo. Rehana saw it.

“Who are you?” Sword was in hand and Rehana’s anger was at peaks.

Her father was becoming weaker and weaker. It was Rehana who should have become weak, but her father drank the milk she should have drunk, and all that happened to him.

Hades changed her appearance, and she was back to her true self. Her black curly hair and cloak covered.

A sword was pointed at Hades by Rehana. Hades was frightened. Hades knew she couldn't beat Rehana. Rehana is a skilled woman!

Hades just closed her eyes, and the next second she was gone! She looked at the bed where her father had been lying before. Rehana's father was taken by Hades.

Rehana wept as she entered her mother's bedroom. She was also afraid of losing her father. While looking at her mother's unconscious face, she said, "Mother, please wake up and comfort me." When the salty tear fell on her mother's hand, the scene changed. Her mother responded. Rehana glanced at her sleeping mother.

“Mother please wake up!” When her mother opened her eyes it remained all silent. It felt like a dream to her. She smiled in happiness.

“Rehana! My child!” Her mother exclaimed.

“Mother!” Both cried in each other's embrace.

“Where is his majesty?” That question made Rehana silent.

“Hades took him.” Rehana explained everything that happened and tears fell continuously down her cheeks.

“Rehana! You need to know something. Hades was here for you and not for your father. You were born with the help of a sorcerer. This kingdom is cursed by your birth. You don't realize how valuable you are to those wicked witches." Queen said.

"You are a curse on this kingdom. You are equally powerful as dangerous.” Truths about her life left her in shock.

“What should I do to clear this mess?”

“I don’t know.” 

Late at night, Rehana walked in and out of her bedroom. Her thoughts were on how to save her father and her kingdom. Here, she wanted peace. She wanted to symbolize her grandmother as 'Queen Arwen.'

A letter was wrapped around the leg of an eagle that flew into her room. Rehana read the letter.

It said,

“Morgan’s hill is waiting for you, Princess Rehana.”

She wanted this to end. She didn't know the solution, but her heart kept telling her to go to the hill.

Her journey was just beginning. Embracing her own strength, she walked toward the hill.

At a later point, she was walking into the woods toward a hill. She has never been in the woods. She had never seen woods before. Her every move was being watched by Hades.

The flower bed in the woods attracted her. She noticed how colorful the flowers were. Taking a flower, she sniffed it. She didn't realize these were Hades' wicked plans to make Rehana weak. Her consciousness was fading. She struggled to open her eyes.

She had half-opened eyes. A boy appeared just then. He looked poor. He had an attractive blue iris. That thin lip of his was awesome. He smelled like strawberries.

Rehana drank some water as she came into her senses and stared at the boy.

“You’re Princess Rehana? Right?” He asked.

She nodded and said, "I have to go." As she stood to begin her journey again, the boy said, “I am Orion.I am the son of Hades.”

She examined him and asked, "Are you her son?"  He nodded his head. She didn't know why she agreed to walk with him. She had no idea why she asked him to walk with her. Both of them were walking next to each other. The hill's step caught her attention.

“Are you going up?” She asked. She had one opinion on Orion. Like his grandmother, he was kind.

“I will help you. I know where his majesty is.” They both walked up.

Hades was sad about Orion, on the other hand. Orion was supporting her enemies. She knows she can't fight Rehana. Rehana was supposed to go weak first.

As Rehana walked up the hill, Orion stopped walking and stared blankly at her. He stood in front of the tree. “What's the problem?" she asked him.”

He began digging a hole. She didn't understand why he was doing that. When she saw a sword, Rehana's eyes grew big. She was shocked at how the sword twinkled. Although it had been buried for years, it looked like a brand new sword.

“Do you have any idea about my grandmother’s book?” Rehana shook her head saying no.

“This sword is so powerful according to my grandmother. Your grandmother's blood is bonded to this sword. You can easily defeat my mother with this sword. You just have to stab her forehead with this sword.” Rehana looked at the sword and asked, "What if I can't do it?"

“You can do this! You are bonded to your grandmother's life. You are endowed with so many powers. You can even throw this big stone by one  hand.” Her abilities left her in shock.

She took the sword and said, “Then you go and untie my dad first.”

Orion and Rehana separated and walked up together. Rehana gripped the sword tightly in her hands. She waited for Hades to emerge.

Hades appeared before her. Hades was frightened! In making Rehana weak, she failed. A sword caught her eye and she was terrified.

Hades' voice was trembling as she spoke, "That sword was mentioned in the book!" Before Hades could process anything her forehead was stabbed with the sword.

Hades fell to the ground when the sword was stabbed into her forehead. Her body ascended to the ground and turned to ash. Rose petals began to form in the sky as ashes flew.

Orion helped Rehana bring her father back to the castle. Orion's help was greatly appreciated. Rehana's father received some potion from Orion so that he could become normal. His eyes were returning to normal. He was no longer weak.

Rehana's father, King Argur, and mother, Queen Aravis, thanked Orion for taking such a decision. Rehana, who was looking cute with Orion, caught their attention.

Over time, Orion and Rehana became the next prince and princess of the Craudion kingdom. Orion and Rehana lived happily ever after.

- Akshaiya 🖤

© Akshaiya