

Thoughts Season 1 Part 7
Well, Honestly, those 10 seconds of the Man opening the door really felt like 10 years of Anxiety...... This experience was really terrible for us as teens....Because we were really going crazy out of fear The Huge Man walks into the Room and stands close in front of us and was looking at us. As I was staring at him, I was thinking maybe..... just maybe this man wouldn't kill us.... he may seem tough and huge but that doesn't mean I should feel intimidated by him. No, no way...... As I Continue staring at him innocently, he began looking at me..... I thought of the reason why he was looking at us.... and something came into my mind.... which was....... Just maybe he didn't come to kill us but to check if we were doing anything stupid or maybe if we were planning to escape. Honestly, Guilty conscience is causing me to say this...... Luckily I didn't say anything to him; not asking him any question but just staring at him. Then out of a sudden, he picks me up and drags me out of the room; closing the door behind us. Though I ought to scream at the moment or be more scared than ever at the moment. But as a smart and wise dude, I saw it as an opportunity to view and spy out the entire House..... As he was dragging me on the floor by holding my legs while my head and hands were on the ground..... The pain didn't border me so much because I was looking at every Conner of the house; learning more about where each bad man is standing and their positions. In order that, when I manage to escape, my knowledge of their positions would really help us escape. I took my time, calculating it all and studying their positions....... In fact, I even began thanking the Huge Man in my mind because he has given me the opportunity to view the other parts of the house. Forgetting that my life may just be in more danger now that I have pissed him off........ I was just hoping that he wouldn't kill me..... But honestly the Man was quite strong........ A minute later, I saw myself being dragged out of the house towards outside........... Well, that is when I realized that this place that we are being held is actually a big Horse Ranch. Well, because I saw some horses being kept in the Stables. And all the men I saw around looked and seemed like Cowboys. Well, because they were all wearing cowboys Hats and boots..... And I thought if they weren't really cowboys why were they all wearing cowboys Hats and boots and some were even roaming with horses. Honestly, they didn't seem like ordinary kidnappers because they weren't looking like gangsters. Or maybe they should have looked in a different way. I just didn't expect myself to ever be kidnapped by a couple of cowboys...... Honestly, I don't still understand what was happening and why on earth would a couple of Cowboys kidnap us....... Honestly, it's making no sense at all. As I was still thinking about this..... Then out of a sudden, I saw myself being thrown into a big pit in the form of a burial ground. Then I immediately ask myself" Is this pit for me or not.... Is he really going to bury me alive or dead". I immediately scream with a loud voice saying"Please.. ...don't kill me!!!!!!!". As I see him bringing out a cowboy gun from his clothes and he points it at me. At that moment, he didn't have to ask me to say my last words. Because I said it any way...."Death has finally arrived". As I closes my eyes in preparation to die.
© Daydawn