

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
She never believed that an economic concept could even dictate the mechanism of biological things, until she found herself stranded in her own apartment, with the company of the creases on the bedsheet, which still had remnants of the shape of his body. The combination of tears and visions of the past, in one's eyes, is something which the heart generally wants to circumvent, as it is very rare for it to come out unscathed from an emotional upheaval.
She remembered that she could not make any sense out of the concept which the economics professor was blabbering - Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility. This law stated that a person consumes an item or a product, the satisfaction or utility that they derive from the product wanes as they consume more and more of that product.
Suddenly all of it started to make sense, in the present case, it was she, who was the product. She harked back to the time ,when love was like a raging fire, the time, when there was nothing about each other, they didn't admire. She reminisced the titillating effect of their first kiss, which unveiled unknown pleasures. After this, whenever they met, a deep kiss was the only thing, by which they liked to be greeted with. Initially, he asked after each one, "Strawberry or Peach? " and the only answer he received for his futile attempts was her giggles.

Soon these college sweethearts turned into live-in partners. The first year, went away like a breeze and their wasn't a single moment she didn't rejoice, but it was the second year from when the things started to go downhill. Kisses were still there, but the passion was dwindling, but love held sway. In the third year, Kissing, became a customary practice, devoid of any conviction. Lovemaking, from a sacred ritual became a mundane chore, as a result, she started to crave the love and attention, that she earlier received. She raised this concern and was silenced by the allegations of becoming frigid.The funny thing with problems in love-life is, that it creates a ripple - effect in your entire life. So, her resentment manifested in a variety of ways, of which quarreling was the most prominent. Each passing day became worse than the other, love was replaced by bitterness and gradually they found themselves to be at loggerheads. One evening, he announced that things can't continue in that manner, to which she consented. So, the day was decided on which this relationship would meet its end. She pretended to be fine, but only her heart was aware of the storm that was brewing within. She knew that the person she loved once was gone and now nothing could be done to rekindle the flames of love. This unfortunate day, came sooner than expected. On this day, she decided to act normally, even though each cell of her body scremed to not do so. At night, they decided to share the bed for one last time, but none of them had the courage to face each other and let go of their egos. Tears welled up in her eyes, but in order to look strong, those eyes we're forcibly shut and when she woke up, he was nowhere to be found. After his departure, the veil of falsity was lifted and her true emotions started to gush out of her eyes. All she wanted from herself, was to feel the texture of his lips, for one last time, but she suppressed all such feelings and became a victim of her own petulance.

As she started to analyze the things that possibly went wrong, she was startled to find that she has become an apt example of the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility. Love for her was sacred, but for him, maybe, love was synonymous with pleasures of the flesh, which decreased with continuous consumption. This discovery reduced her conception of love, from something metaphysical to a mere commodity.