

Chapter 2: 5 minutes back
The house bore the marks of a busy morning, a tableau of familial devotion. Swapna moved with a quiet grace, working tirelessly to ensure her two little daughters were ready for their day. The children's laughter and playful antics filled the air as they tugged at her heartstrings.

Amidst this flurry of activity, Swapna managed to prepare a sumptuous meal for her husband, Uday. She meticulously packed it in a container, her hands moving with the practiced ease of someone who had mastered the art of balancing family and household duties. Feeding the little ones was a task that required equal parts patience and love, and Swapna had an abundance of both.

As the morning sun streamed through the windows, Swapna continued her bustling routine. She couldn't help but feel a pang of exhaustion, her own needs often taking a backseat to the demands of her family. Bathed in sweat despite the morning shower, she soldiered on, knowing that these precious moments with her children were fleeting.

Finally, with her daughters dressed in their adorable outfits, it was time to send them off to their playschool. Swapna's heart swelled with affection as she gazed at her little ones, marveling at how quickly they were growing up. Swapna's husband, Uday, stood ready in his formal attire, his face radiating warmth and love as he interacted with their little ones. It was a heartwarming sight, and Swapna cherished these simple, beautiful moments. Though they had their differences, hidden behind the facade of a perfect family, their shared commitment to their daughters remained unwavering.

After waving goodbye to the childrens and Uday, Swapna left with a few hours of solitude, a rare occurrence in her bustling household.

With her daughters on their way to school, Swapna turned to the empty house. A sense of exhaustion washed over her as she contemplated the hours ahead. The morning had been a flurry of activity, and now, in the calm aftermath, she could feel the weariness seeping in. Her reflection in the hallway mirror revealed the signs of her busy morning—disheveled hair, a hint of sweat on her brow, and a slight wrinkle in her saree.

She looked out of the window at the serene neighborhood, her thoughts drifting. It was then that her phone rang, breaking the stillness of the house. Glancing at the caller ID, Swapna furrowed her brow in confusion. An unknown number flashed on the screen. She hesitated for a moment before answering, uncertainty gnawing at her. "Hello?" she said tentatively.

A familiar voice on the other end replied, "Hi, Swapna, it's me, Venkat." Swapna's heart skipped a beat. Venkat, the brother of Arjun. The unexpected call caught her off guard. "Hi, how are you?" she replied, her voice tinged with surprise and curiosity, though she refrained from asking the questions that rushed to her mind. Deep down, she yearned to ask about Arjun but held back.

Venkat's voice carried a weight of regret and introspection as he responded, "I'm doing fine, Swapna. I've come to realize that I haven't been the best brother to Arjun. It's taken me a while to understand the extent of my ignorance. Arjun was exceptional at keeping his feelings hidden from me. I didn't know I played a part in your separation. But now, I have a simple request – please meet Arjun. It's the one thing I ask of you. You're under no obligation, of course. If you choose not to, just close your doors, and we'll leave. But I believe it would be beneficial for both of you to meet after all these years."

Swapna was left in a state of shock by this unexpected call. Her gaze drifted to the window, where she spotted a car parked outside. Swapna felt an irresistible urge to confirm whether the man sitting in the car was indeed Arjun. As she approached the vehicle, her heart raced with anticipation. She couldn't believe that Arjun, her past, was now just a few steps away.

Realizing that Arjun was still asleep in the car, Swapna hurriedly went back into her house, closing the door behind her. Her heart pounded in her chest as she leaned against the door, trying to catch her breath. The mixed emotions were overwhelming—happiness at the unexpected reunion, but also nervousness about what this meeting might entail.

She took a moment to compose herself, looking at her reflection in the hallway mirror. Swapna decided to change into a different saree before meeting Arjun. She hurriedly went to the cupboard and picked a saree with soft, pastel colors that she knew Arjun had once admired. She wanted to make a good impression, even though her heart was pounding with nervousness.

As she draped the saree elegantly, she took a moment to look at herself in the mirror. She wanted to appear confident and composed, not letting Arjun see how deeply his unexpected presence had affected her.

Swapna quickly placed the tea on the stove and turned on the burner. She kept a close eye on it through the kitchen window while also stealing glances at the car where Arjun was still inside, awake now.

Her heart raced as she debated whether she should go and invite him into the house. She knew she couldn't keep him waiting any longer, and the tea would be ready soon. Gathering her courage, Swapna decided to go and meet Arjun. She headed towards the front door, mentally preparing herself for the reunion with a man who had once held a special place in her heart.

As Swapna approached the car, she could see Arjun clearly through the window. His eyes were fixed on something outside, lost in deep thought. She rapped her knuckles gently on the car's window, causing Arjun to startle and turn his head in her direction.

Their eyes met through the glass, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Swapna saw a myriad of emotions flicker across Arjun's face – surprise, uncertainty, and a hint of nostalgia. She offered a warm smile, hoping to ease the tension that had built up between them over the years.


Arjun's confusion was evident as he glanced at Swapna. He couldn't fathom why Venkat had called her, or why he himself had ended up here. Swallowing his uncertainty, he took a seat beside her.

Swapna's curiosity got the better of her, and she leaned in, asking, "Arjun, did you want to meet me?"

Arjun's mind raced, torn between honesty and hesitation. Finally, he replied, "Swapna, I honestly don't know how I ended up at your house."

Swapna raised an eyebrow, noticing the hint of guilt in Arjun's eyes. She couldn't help but inquire, "Are you drunk?"

Arjun nodded reluctantly. "Yes," he admitted, the weight of his actions sinking in.

Swapna's gaze softened as she said, "Venkat mentioned that he realized he hasn't been the best brother to you. Did you two have a falling out?"

It was the time when he remembered what happened 5 hours ago with his elder brother Venkat.

© The Usual Guy