

Lost in the forest
It was midnight , Jenna and her friend decided to take a walk in the forest. While they were walking they saw a trail leading them deeper into the forest they were so curious that they continued walking.They walk for hours until they got tired and hungry. Jenna was looking for food until she wondered far away from her friend she walked and walked until she saw an oak tree. She lay her back against the tree and in a quick second she fell asleep forgetting about her friend. The next morning she woke up and she didn’t saw her friend , she was so worried. She forgotten that her curiosity got the best of her. Knowing that someone will look for her she didn’t worry that much until she heard her belly grumble wondering where she’s going to get food she started walking further into forest until she saw a apple tree with juicy red apples. Jenna was a good climber so she climbed the tree and pick a bunch of Apples until she heard a strange noise she saw a man coming out of the bush and she wanted to know what the man was up to so she hide behind the branch and watch the man. He started to open a bag but to her shock it was a bag full of money. A lot of things started to run into Jenna's mind, what if he killed,did he stealed the money. While Jenna was thinking an idea came to her mind she was planning to follow the man because if he knows the way in he knows the way out. She gathered a lot of apples for her journey.
Jenna started follow him while following him she realized that he hadn’t eaten .
She continued to follow him but poor Jenna didn’t know that the man knows that someone was following him so instead of going to where he was planning to go he lead her deeper into the forest.
Jenna didn’t know what was happening so she continue to follow because she doesn’t know much about the forest.
Hours later
The man stop at a dead end and turned around and spot Jenna. He walked towards her and pinned her to a tree and whispered do you know what your getting yourself into . She nodded her head yes and started crying while crying she told him she has lost her way . The man felt sorry for her so he said he will help her get home.
During her time spend with the man she found out that he is the same age as him, she then found out his name was Justin. They continued to get to know each other but both of them fell for each other , they were in loved but he know he couldn’t fall in Love with a human , he was way different from them.
After hours of walking she felled asleep . He picked her up and carrying her on his shoulder. The next morning she has woken up when he asked her for her address so he taked her home. He gave her his address and give her a kiss goodbye. Who knows the truth might never reveal.