

The Fox and the Goat
Francis Fox had already gobbled one mouse, but one was never enough to fill his stomach. His greed got him into trouble as he chased the second mouse. He did not see the old well and tumbled nose over tail down into the cold water. Looking up, Francis saw a blue circle of skyband jumped as high as possible-but he could not reach the top. "How will I get out?" howled Francis. Just then, the sound of chweing echoed down in the well, and Francis saw Gordo Goat at the edge of the well's opening. Francis knew that Gordo would do anything for food and water. He made loud slurping sounds to attract the old goat's attention. "This water is delicious,"the sly fox shouted. "Don't you want a thrist- quenching drink?" Gordo had been chewing on thorns and weeds, and he definitely needed water to wash down his food. "Sure," he said, "but how will I get out?" "We'll help each other," said Francis with a smile that showed all of his teeth. Gordo was not sure whether Francis was being honest, but the goat was very thirsty. He jumped into the well, and when his thirst was quenched he looked up. "Now... how do we get out of here?" he asked. "Easy," said Francis. "Put your front hooves on the wall, and I'll climb on your back and jump out of the well. Then I'll go get help for you," said Francis, grinning. "Honest." "Okay, but hurry back," said Gordo, placing his hooves against the stones. In a flash, Francies leaped onto Gordo's back and then climed onto the goat's horns to spring out of the well. Francies looked back down at the goat and waved. "Didn't anyone ever tell you to look before you leap?" The fox chuckled as he ran off, leaving Gordo to find his own way out of the well.