

Captain Jeon (Since 1894)— 3

Tae just finished eating lunch. It's twelve in the afternoon and all the students are on their break.
It's been a month and he still haven't talked to Jimin. He still felt mad about him and he knows it's not the right thing to talk to him for now.

But he misses him—

Of course, who wouldn't miss him? They're always together for almost twenty four-seven. Probably partners in crime already. They've grown together and he's really happy that Jimin is his best friend.
He sighed and shook his thoughts out. He needs to distract himself. Probably read something?

He was on his way to the library when he saw Mrs. Min coming his way
He cursed under his breath. Oh fuck, he still haven't done this report and he forgot that today was the deadline.

Well by deadline—he's really dead.

He slowly took a turn and pretended like he didn't—

—see his teacher. But unfortunately, she called him out.

"Mr. Kim! I've been looking for you actually." Mrs. Min said and Tae took a sigh.

What's he gonna do now?

"Why is that?" he took out a nervous laugh and scratched the back of his head.
"You know why. I need your report."

He literally cursed mentally using millions of languages to try and sumon a portal so he can get out of this.

"Oh...... about that........." he started. His thoughts were scattered and he didn't knew the to say it.
"I...—I did not do it." he looked down at his feet, afraid of seeing her reaction. But he heard a deep sigh.

"I've no words for you Mr. Kim. I have you all the chances to keep up but you still didn't do it."

She crossed her arms above her chest.

"This is your last chance. If you don't submit your report within another month then—

—I'm sorry but I'm reporting you to the principal's office." she left and Tae's mouth went agape.
Principal's office? Oh God no—just no. Just because of that one subject he'll get reported? He had been trying to maintain a good record even since high school!
He sighed and he ran. He didn't knew where he was going but he followed the tracks of his own foot.
He wanted to shout, cry and break anything that he sees. He felt so angry and sad at the same time. History is just an easy subject. But he really doesn't have interest in it—
He reached the rooftop. No one was there but he could see everything from up here.

His knees went weak and he stumbled on the floor. He felt so pressurised about everything that happened to him.
It's his 4th year of college, he has almost graduated, but why is all this happening?


Time passed and his tears were all dried up. It was just a moment of weakness maybe?
He didn't notice that it was already his Art class. He's super late—

But he felt so down and he can't even run.
He went downstairs and he reached the 3rd floor. It felt odd because it was so quiet.
The classroom doors were closed but even though they were having classes, it's not the quiet.

He just shrugged off and continued walking—

He finally reached his classroom. The door was closed and it looked different.

"The door is not like this before."he muttered while looking at the scratched wooden door.

He opened the door but he found no one inside. It's just all double-decker beds and bags—

He furrowed his brows. He probably entered the wrong room.

But no.

This is his classroom number. It's very clear and there's no way the teacher would move classrooms without his knowing.
And plus, why would there be beds and bags here? This is a school, not a cabin—

He looked around but he saw no one. He felt nervous as it sounds so quiet and he feels like he's the only person here.

He explored his gaze and saw the signs engraved on the walls.

"Why is there traditional Hanguls here?" he asked himself. He had never seen those before. Weird—

He decided to take a walk in the hallway. There's seriously no one in here. It's been since minutes and be still haven't seen any students.

He's starting to get scared.
"I wish Jimin was here." he was slightly tearing up. Jimin was always there for him whenever he felt lost.
