

My Horrible Secret
The howl that rang out the silent night was heard across the slumbering streets.
The hair rose at the back of their heads.
The monster had escaped... It want be long before it finds us. I will have to leave the group to protect them. I am linked to it. The group knows something is not quite right with it and me but they don't know the real truth. It is my brother only half. It's father was my father. It's mother is the real monster. She killed my mother in front of me and I been running ever since. It's soul purpose in life is to kill all that are it's half siblings. It has accomplished all but 3 of us. That is why I am running the way I am. I'm trying to lure it away from my remaining brother and sister. Unless it has found them and killed them too. Then that would leave only me. I will sneak away from the group tonight. If I don't I will be the cause of there death. I can not be responsible for that. I wouldn't be able to live with that knowledge.
© Matilda Hodges