

If you are reading this, you are one of those who are lucky to gain this knowledge of truth.
It's a fact that every outcome attained takes a process ,the process in turn births the outcome if the process is followed through.
Most time what you desire and your input are not the standard or requirement to the desired result.
Let's use the Chinese bamboo to drive home this knowledge of truth.
The time used in planting a fern is not the same time used in planting a Chinese bamboo tree.
The fern grows within a short while it's been planted but the Chinese bamboo requires a whole lot of patience the process involved in it's plantings stage if skipped might destroy it's results.
What is the Chinese bamboo result? : Record says it is the fastest growing plant in the world after harvestThe Chinese bamboo tree grows 90ft tall in six weeks after being planted in 4years planting process
Gal. 5v17: "God is not mocked whatsoever a man soweth he shall reap"
I am writing this article for all, who wants a glorious future and they are looking at the world today to compromise, because they feel God is slow and they claim their time is running out.
"The tougher the furnace the better the gold"
The process is what we are focusing on , what then is the purpose of the process:
it helps build/sustain the person for the desired result.
Lets take an example a lawyer would be required to study law in school and a doctor in whatever specialization would study medicine.
The process they go through makes them prepared for the profession. But you see the men and women of today , wants to ignore the process and achieve a good result. This cannot be possible.
It would be futile to give a child of 3yrs old a real car, the right or standard should be when the child is of age driving a car would be what happens because the process into attaining that age and skill to drive has been gotten. Until that child becomes of age then the value of car would not be known.
In this generation today we see people who have not understood what money is , but they want to get it by all means.
“there are doors that would not be opened until you have gone through the process and fully become as one that can manage the open door”
Open doors comes with its adversity, so if this is the case are you ready for it ? you get prepared through the process. Open doors not opened rightly can lead to destruction.
So if you have been waiting for so long, look inward what class have you been failing in life or what stage are you stuck in?
There is a yoruba adage ‘ oun ti aba fi ara si se fun lon pe lowo eni ‘ interpretation “ what you work for , would last long”.
I have seen young people gain access to money and definitely they have not gone through the class of prudent spending at the end the result is an avalanche of loss leading to bankruptcy.
What then is the conclusion of the whole matter , life is full of processes don’t give In to short cut because it can cut short one destiny. Its always reverse when you take the short cut.
Your height is a derivative of how deep you have gone, don't give up go deep today.