

Together once more
"Life doesnt always travel in your direction", I quote. My dad used to tell me quotes whenever i felt sad or had a bad day. Hi, am Stephanie and this my story. When i was 7 years old , my dad had an accident coming back from my mom's funeral , ironic right ? I was in the car and i broke my leg and rupture 2 ribs but my dad was severely injured he died right on the spot. I cried everyday until today , I miss my dad but it was time for me to move on with my life because nothing i do is gonna bring him back. I grew up in different foster homes for 7 years which now am 17 . I never have any other family member to rely on other than myself , every year i would visit our old house on my birthday just to feel like am home again with my mom and dad. Tomorrow is my 18th birthday which means i can legally be on my own.
As morning rise i jumped out of bed with my favorites pajamas, i ran downstairs to my foster mom , Susan and her daughter Serena who is 14 , to me they are my real and only family i have but there is always apart of that felt empty and missing . I hurriedly got dressed and ate my breakfast which was pancakes with a smiley face filled with raspberries and coffee on the side. I like things simple and thats just the way i am . I immediately left the house and off to school i was . During lunch every year on my birthday my best friend , Jake and i would choose each other lunches and guess what each other had ordered. We would make jokes of our science teacher, Mr.Schittzz and his lousy cat Whiskey. After school Jake and i went to my old house of course just to look through my dad's stuff a bit and there it was. It was a picture of my mom and someone who looked just like me but not exactly she has short hair and mine was obviously long . Jake asked me if i knew her and nothing comes to mind . I found a note attached to the back of the photo , it was a letter from the girl in the picture to my mom ,her name is Sasha. Something in the letter caught my attention, my mom called her ,her daughter, my eyes widened in suprise and mouth opened as if i had seen a ghost , my heart was beating as if i had run out of air. I couldn't believe it i had a twin sister who just leaves 200 miles away. Jake said that maybe this is why you felt like apart of you were missing and i answered and said "Maybe but why now? when everything in my life is starting to come together , i have a foster famil who actually cares enough to raise me from i was 14 years old" , i shook my head and left the house in such a bad mood .
As i reached home i told my foster mom and Serena about everything and they said that i should go and find out more about my sister and that this could an amazing experience to get to know each other . I ran upstairs with tears running from my eyes and all i could think about was my mom and why didnt she tell me when she had the chance . I wanted to find out more so i decided to go see her tomorrow.
The next morning, i took the car and went to my sister and on my way all i was thinking about is what am i going to say and i couldnt find the right words. When i reached the door of her house i froze at the doorbell but then i took a deep breath and remember what my mom said . I rang the doorbell and my hands were shaking as if it was freezing. She answered the door and when she saw me , she hugged me without hesitation and suddenly i felt like i found my missing piece . We went to a coffee shop down the street and talked about each other lives and then i asked why mom would separate us and she looked away looking sorry . She said that the reason was that she was sick when she was a baby and the best hospital was here , so mom brought her here to get the best care and that me and her cant go grow together because she would be at the hospital all of her life and it was doctor order but as she grew old the sickness was no longer a reason to be in the hospital which was recently and thats when she wrote to mom. I felt sorry for her that i had a mom and she didnt all she had was surgeries . She went home with me and met my foster mom and from then everything else felt like it was just about right