

Behind The Mask. (Episode 1)
Episode 1

It was a blissful day for the eight mixed squad called KINGS.
Their album had won the best album of the year at the music awards. Roddy won the best iconic male musician amongst the fifty young boys who were also nominated. All eight of them, Rodman, Caleb, Samuel,David,Judith,Celia,Diana, and Jenny arrived home around 12 am exhausted and decided to take a nap. Just after an hour when they entered their rooms, they heard Celia their lead singer moaning. They all put ear buds in their ears because of how loud Celia was when she was having an orgasm. She might have sneaked a boy into her room. Well, nobody knew who it was and they cared less. At once,Celia stopped moaning. The house was very quiet after that. The lights went off immediately and everyone got out if their rooms in their night wears.
"How come the lights went off.?"
"This is the first time this has happened in about six years we moved"
Each could hear each others voice but couldn't see each other because of the darkness. The next morning, Ken, their manager entered their house whiles they were eating breakfast and saw Celia's seat empty..
"How are my awardees doing?" He asked.
"Good. I got strange calls from girls yesterday. Most of them said they have a crush on me" Rodman said.
David raised his eye brow and spokeshe louder as usual
"Yeah bro. The girls are now all over you. You are truly the Rodman"
"Wait a minute talking about strange girls, where is the strangest girl in this house? Celia, where is she?" Ken asked
"She was having a loud orgasm yesterday. I'm sure the sex was hard. She is still asleep" Dorcas said.
"I never thought she could sneak a guy into this house" Caleb said.
"Come on, you bring girls to this house always. Dont let us start" Samuel said.
Judith gave Rodman a secret look and later a wink when Rodman noticed her.
Jenny and Diana decided to go and check up on Celia. Judith and Dorcas also followed. Now it was only a table for the men. Samuel gave Rodman an imposing look. Roddy noticed it and tapped him.
" come on bro, it's not my fault that Judith hasn't noticed you yet. When I grab her and give her a very good banging, she will notice me the more." Rodman mocked.
Samuel felt intimidated and grabbed Rodman's shirt. Rodman pushed Samuel to the ground and said
"You dummy, it's not only about the voice but the swag also counts".
Ken rushed towards them and shouted.
"Come on. You guys should grow up already."
"Oh Ken don't start" David said
"It's a boys affair. Samuel understands it." Caleb said and tapped Samuel. Samuel quickly took Caleb's hands of his shoulder. Before Samuel could make another statement, Dorcas shouted from Celia room. The guys rushed to the room and panicked immediately. Celia had been stabbed with the knife deep in her stomach. The killer used her blood to write *muerte did it*

"Oh my God Celia!" Caleb said shaking

Who killed Celia?

Wait patiently for the next episode.

By Joseph Agbozo.
© Joseph Agbozo