

Trapped in indecision
"Trapped in Indecision: A Crossroads of Doubt"

I stood at the crossroads, lost and unsure
Weighing options, my heart torn in two
Fear of wrong turns, a constant, gnawing fear
Paralyzing doubt, a mind in disarray, year by year

Every path seemed uncertain, every choice a haze
I longed for clarity, a guiding light to blaze
But the more I thought, the more confused I became
Trapped in indecision, a prisoner of my mind's frame
With no clear direction, I felt confined and blind
Lost in a labyrinth, with no escape to find

The world around me moved with purpose and grace
While I stood still, lost in a sea of doubt and space
I yearned for a sign, a beacon to guide me through
But the more I searched, the more I felt divided, anew
My heart and mind, in constant, bitter strife
A war within, that raged, day and endless night
I sought solace, in the wisdom of the wise and kind
But even their words, couldn't pierce the darkness of my mind

And so I stood, at the crossroads of my mind
Torn between paths, with no clear sign
To guide me forward, or lead me back
Trapped in indecision, with no way to attack
The uncertainty, that gripped my heart and soul
A heavy burden, that made it hard to whole