

a love story of 1995__Ended
As I mentioned in very earlier part ,I sent tickets to her ,and she called me and said that she would be in Bombay by the next day evening, I decorated everything in my flat to say welcome to my upcoming wife ,as we planned she was to reach station at 4pm but due to my excitement ,bcz first time the girl whom about I dreamt for ,was coming for me, so I reached station by 1pm ,and started to check every train though I knew in which train she was coming,
finally it was 4pm ,now the most hoped train for which I had been searching had come ,my heart started beating fast ,bcz she was mine now ,no Authority could stop us ,and no one could no more say that we shouldn't talk to each other,
I set my hair and see my face couple of times in mirror to appear her as handosme,

Finally I went and search every where ,I didnt leave any seat or place in that train unchecked ,slowly my brain started saying like thatt ,"has she come? ,no no definitely she has come"
but I couldn't find her anywhere in train ,the train started moving, almost train left the station, still I'm looking with ray of towards that leaving train ,no I couldn't find her,...