

Why Are You So Upset?
So you think I hate you and You’re upset because I don’t agree with your ignorance?
I don’t blame you for being upset, but I don’t hate you, I don’t hate anyone……
I’m just not terribly excited about your existence.

I have a hard time dealing with illogical, unreasonable, egotistical people.
You can’t help someone that doesn’t want to be helped. You’re wasting your time. I don’t think you realize how comical it is to sit there and watch you convince yourself that the truth is a lie and your lies are truth.

You speak under the influence of everyone else around you because you’re too lazy to look into things for yourself.

You’re apparently incapable of reasoning within yourself and coming to your own conclusions.

How are you mad at me for making you think and use sound reasoning?
Why is it my fault for helping you ascertain the truth by analyzing the facts of any given situation?
Why am I to blame for the ignorance of so called highly educated professors that make superfluous, Ludicrous speculations and derive theories from completely unfounded ignorance?!

That only makes you a fool to believe what everyone is telling you.
Why are you upset with me because because I encourage you to do your OWN research and find out for yourself weather these things you’re being taught are based on sound logical reasoning?

Some people spend their entire lives trying to prove someone wrong when the truth was right in front of them all along.
Like you, they just choose to ignore it. Mind you I said “choose”, as in, its a choice. And even if you chose not to choose you still have made a choice.

People like you wouldn’t recognize the truth if it slapped them in the face.

So why are you mad at me again? Because I exposed you’re illogical, biased opinion as being completely irrational, irradicable and completely unfounded?

Or is it because you feel like a complete idiot for following the crowd, believing what everyone tells you and you realize your whole life has been a lie……I’m going to go with the latter on this one.

The lesson? Do your own research. Think for yourself and stop speaking about things you know nothing about. It just makes you sound like an uneducated, unreasonable, irrational moron.

#upset #annoyed #research

© JustAnotherInkling🎨