

Débil Chapter: 5 'A Fiery Fate'
"Fire!" Niro yelled as he automatically grabbed Grea by the scruff, causing him to growl and he ran around trying to find a safe place to go. The fire seemed to spread out more, everywhere they went it blocked them, both watching as the fire quickly circled them. Niro quickly looked around before throwing him, causing Grea to scream and hit the ground safely where there wasn't any fire. Grea quickly got up, shaking his head and looked around for Niro but all he could see was fire.
"Niro..." he coughed from the smoke and held his breath as he roamed. The smoke stung his eyes as he searched for something to climb. He looked up seeing rocks and he jumped over the burning twigs on the ground before leaping up on where he and Niro entered from. He looked to the right and saw a tiny tunnel that went up. He didn't remember that tunnel but he had no choice but to climb it. He slipped but held tight, the rocks grumbling down behind him under his paws. Using his back legs, he remembered just how Keya did it. Finally reaching the top, he looked down expecting to see Niro. He sat down and waited, seeing as the smoke rose higher blending into the sky. Niro surprised him when he jumped up, appearing from the fire holding onto the rocks as he struggled trying to climb, causing rocks to roll twenty feet down into the fire.
"Come on, Niro! You can do it," Grea yelled. Niro whimpered as he looked down. He looked back up, continuing to climb up to him.
"Débil! Don't just stand there, help me up!" Niro panicked as the fire crackled underneath him, feeling the heat rising near his rump. The yellow cub reached out his paw to him. Niro slipped again and Grea sighed, leaning back and placing his paw back down. By seeing this sight, he couldn't believe how powerful he felt as he looked down at this good-for-nothing brother.
"Look at you, asking for help. Thought you could get yourself out of this since you're all so bold and strong. It'll be easier to hide this anyways, since no one will think to find you. Who would waste their time looking for you?" Grea smirked down at him, he had finally had enough. Niro's eyes widened.
"N-no. Débil, don't say that. You don't know what you're saying. Please, I'm sorry. Help me!" Grea watched as Niro strained. "Please!" Niro slowly lifted his right paw to him again causing Grea to growl, "that isn't the right thing to do!" Niro exclaimed.
"You can't tell me what to do. I know exactly what I'm saying and I know you do too."
Niro shook his head, "No, Débil, I just saved your life," Niro glared desperately into his eyes causing Grea to scoff, smiling like Niro was joking.
"Did you really mean it? You never really loved me, honestly," he chuckled, pointing down at him, "I thought I was pointless. You never cared for me, you should be ashamed," Grea replied, moving closer to him as Niro felt his claws start to give out. Ignoring Niro's sounds of struggling, he watched as Niro began to freak out and slip more moving his hind legs quickly. He gasped as he almost slid off if it weren't for Grea quickly digging his claws into the back of his scruff, slipping more as he tried to pull his weight up. Niro growled and rested his head on the rock, his eyes widened as he saw the reflecting picture of fire seen in Grea's eyes. "You've made me a monster. Are you happy now?" Grea giggled as he lifted his paws.
"No. Wait, Débil! Wait, no!" Niro slid and his head went back as Grea slashed his mouth up to his forehead out of rage making four deep scratches. Niro lost his grip and let out a quick shout as he fell through the fire. Grea scowled and panted watching what his mind had experienced seeing Niro disappear and hearing the impact of Niro hitting the rocks on the way down. Realizing what he had done, his ears went back, his face the look of shock of experiencing the "death" of his brother that he caused. "Niro," Grea said quietly staring into the flames. He felt nothing when he glared into Niro's helpless eyes. It felt weird to him having someone who could care less about you now expect you to treat them rightfully in stead for treating them the way they used to treat you. Made him smile as Niro pleaded up to him while he felt no such remorse for him back. He knew Niro couldn't be trusted.

"Grea!" Grea gasped and turned to see Kębi. "I can't believe you-"
"Kębi... I know it was a mistake. I-I'm sorry, it just happened out of nowhere," Grea nervously laughed, cowering to the ground, "I don't know what's wrong with me, I do not know what came over me."
"What are you-" Kębi glared down at him, hesitating to walk towards him as he was covering his head as to protect himself. As upsetting as it was to see, he sat down and showed a small none threatening smile. "Grea," he spoke lightly. Grea looked up at him as a tear escaped from one of his eyes. "You know how special you mean to me? I'd never think to hurt you in my life. What you just did right there was amazing, spectacular! Never thought of someone who would even think about standing up for themselves that way." Kębi walked to him and placed a paw on his back, "Niro deserved what he got. Don't apologize for him even when he's been the worse to you. It's not worth it. Lions like him," Kębi gestured down the cliff with his head, "deserve to be down there. It is not your fault, he pressured you until you snapped. I'm sorry about everything he put you through." Kębi placed his head on Grea's, hugging him. "Oh, such a shame it was remembering the first time I, myself terminated someone." Grea looked up at him.
"What did you do?"
"Well..." Kębi closed his eyes, facing away, "I wanted to know what it was like too, you know? I've lived with hyenas. They've taught me differently. They took me in and made me into one of them. Had to follow by their rules or that they'd kill me." Kębi opened his eyes again showing his glowing orangey yellow eyes. "I was curious. I couldn't help myself as I was used to living their way. Happens to the best of us. Though, I don't think what you did was a mistake." Kębi smiled, glaring down into Grea's orangey brown eyes. "He was also like your brother too, a no good, selfish, unmanageable backend of a warthog."
"We're a bit quite alike in a way, you and me. "
"But only one difference is that I was trained by hyenas which is why I am the way I am."
"My father used to train me... but it didn't work out," Grea looked down.
"Heck, you've just took down your own brother. That's some real toughness right there. If your father didn't believe you, just imagine how he'd feel now." Grea looked up and smiled as Kębi got up and walked back towards the den. Grea looked over at the fire again as it started to rain, slowly burning out the fire. He looked at the claw marks on the rocks that Niro had made as he struggled halfway to the top, almost slipping to his doom. And so then doom came for him. He ran back towards the den with Kębi as he didn't feel comfortable looking down there as it gave him chills, possibly from the rain soaking into his soft yellow fur. When he reached the entrance of their home, Kębi was seen sitting patiently waiting for him with Wazimu sitting beside him. Grea sat down next to the gray lion and looked up smiling at the sky as the rain poured. Kębi and the hyenas were all he ever wanted. Nothing more. They were always by his side. He loved them and would protect them, just like how Kębi would too.
"I'm proud of what you did today, Grea," Kębi purred.
"What did you do?" Heri asked as she appeared crawling out of the den. She stretched, letting out a whiney yawn, followed by Cheka-Cheka who giggled and ran out, playfully pouncing on Grea before running off to play in the mud. Wazimu noticed Grea's look.
"You didn't do what I thought you did, did you?" Wazimu sensed something by how plain his face looked, remembering how Kębi had the same expression before on his face. Grea nodded.
"He's gone. It's what I planned if it didn't work out between him and I. He's in the past now, where he belongs," Grea explained lowering his head. Heri stared at Grea in shock and ran to the right side of him.
"What? I'm so sorry about that Grea. I'm sure it was a pretty hard thing to do. How?"
"He fell into the wildfire."
"At least he won't be able to bother us again," Wazimu snorted disrespectfully at the loss of the yellow cubs brother, Grea not seeming to mind though as he constantly kept a straight face. Kębi looked at Wazimu, giving him a look. "I mean... what he did to Grea. He threw him off the den, I saw it with my own eyes."
"And you attacked him in your first encounter with him. He was no threat," Kębi reminded him, "not saying Niro wasn't."
"Though it was my job to keep trespassers out." Wazimu smiled and walked over beside the yellow lion and placed a paw on his head, "I like him now, now that I know him," he smiled over at Grea.
"Fair," Heri nodded before running off after Cheka-cheka.
"It wasn't actually that hard at all." Grea spoke up. "I suffered quite enough from him. I feel more relieved to know he's gone. Him sticking to father's side made it impossible to explain as he'd purposely get me in trouble. To think we were related. Having him around ruined my life as he constantly spoke about me, talking about me behind my back, causing me to lose friends or not make any at all." He looked over at Kębi, "I'm glad I finally found the place where I belong."
"Me too. I love having you around. I would've thought I'd done something wrong if you didn't feel that way," Kębi said, showing a teasing grin and nudging him.
"I appreciate everything you do. You made it possible for me to belong." Grea stood in front of him, his back towards the side of the burrow.
"You've always belonged," Kębi walked to him, lightly pushing Grea back leaning against the den and placing his paw on the den next to Grea's face.
"I'll always belong to you," Grea leaned forward standing on his hind legs, pushing Kębi back with his paws on his chest. "You know, to think before I wanted to live in the Pride Lands. Heh, they would've never took me in anyway if I went back," Grea said as he sat back down, facing away. Kębi went behind him and wrapped him arms around Grea, giving him a hug and glently placing his head over his.
"Pride Lands? Why not? You're not a threat. Not all Outlanders are threatening."
"My father said they didn't want anything to do with me as I was from the Outlands and he said he couldn't take care of me after mother left. He told me it was my fault. He didn't want anything to do with me either. Don't know why I stuck around. No one ever wanted me there or anywhere," he faced Kębi again.
"That's just not fair. Everything that's ever happened to you, you never deserved, you know that." Grea got up and grabbed Kębi's face with his paws causing Kębi to back up and let go of him.
"That's why I've thought about going back to get my revenge on those who've wronged me."
"The more I see you, the more I notice the tougher side of you," Kębi grinned, rubbing his head on him, "I'm down for anything. No matter what happens, I'll always be by your side." He licked him before crawling into the burrow, Heri and Cheka-cheka following behind. A cool breeze brushed through Grea's fur, suddenly giving him thoughts of Niro and Keya. The anxiety it gave him fearing something may have happened or was going to happen, it caused him to turn away from the burrow towards the direction of the Outlands where he used to live.

"Young cub," a calm deep voice began. His eyes widened as he looked up, huge puffy clouds roamed and came together, each slowly shaping into lions, possibly caused from his own imagination, he thought.

"W-what's going on? Are... you really there?"

"Quite, young cub. Though, we are pretty distraught with what you've done. No lion really wishes to be what you've become, unless you're from the Outlands and want revenge on the royalty, if so, being banished is better than living no life."

"Wait, no, I would never-"

"We understand the cause of why you did it, what you did was still wrong and you know it-"

"I did what I had to! Why do you care if I'm not a part of you?! You despise us Outlanders!"

"We don't despise anyone. You've always believed in us. No Outlander's like that. Understand of the decisions you've made were sinister and unthought of. We know you're different, it won't stop you from avenging and teaching those who have harmed you. It's your choice, only you can stop causing anymore harm."

"Some of us aren't even that bad. I'm not like the others. Right? I did what I thought was right, even if it was killing Niro. I did what I had to do, I... I couldn't take it anymore. I don't need him, never did. Now...now it's my turn to teach them a lesson." Grea narrowed his eyes, smiling as he watched the clouds disappear into the sky. He plopped down on his belly seeing as the stars soon appeared. "Even though I shouldn't be cared or understood for what I've done, only those animals who went through what I've gone through will understand. As you're always with me, I'm still going to do what I think is right and I don't care what any of you think."

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