

A Scientist who worked for the government developed a very unique weapon. The organization which he works for was assigned to a very important military mission, to create and design a super vampire. The task took years of research and finally they brought a mystery to life. To test their theory, they brought in three baby boys who were abandoned during birth. The baby's DNA was mixed and while growing up they developed super senses and the impeccable thirst for human blood. The older the vampire became the more blood they wanted it was very hard for the scientist to control them, so they kept them locked up in a laboratory. Once day the facility was broken into by a millionaire who wanted the DNA sample of each of the boys. While trying to get pass security they unknowingly unlocked the laboratory that held the vampires..it wasnt long before the chaos started the vampires rampage through the facility killing everyone in sight but fortunately they millionaire escaped safely. The vampires had seen sunlight for the first time, they were afraid but once they realized it had no effect on them they immediately camouflage themselves into the forestry that was near by. The scientist issued an order to find them or the world might be in danger if they figure out how to cross water......
Snowflake was the man in charge of the facility and the multibillion dollar project which was the three vampires that was missing. After knowing how dangerous they were he send out a demand to shoot on sight if the vampires were spotted. Lost and confused the vampires lurked around the forest they got into a huge argument, they refused to go back. William who was older started to notice all the beautiful things they never imagined to see the birds the animals and the river that flows for miles. Daniel the second brother fell in love with the fruits and berries that grew there. Eric the last of the trio made friends with a bear by giving it some honey that was to high for the bear to reach. They eventually stopped to rest at the edge of the river bank when the scent of blood ringed their noses from across the river but they weren't aware of how to cross. There was a woman who was gathered water from the river but she didn't noticed the vampires. William felt differently his heart began to beat his eyes were staring at the woman with passion as he tries to forget his hunger. The woman slipped and fell into the river which gave the vampires the opportunity to snatch her from the other side. Daniel and Eric were both ready to have a fest but William stopped them and decided to help her out of the river. He stretched out his hand and she grabbed his hand gently pulling her out of the water and into his arms while Daniel and Eric looked on. She raised her head and stared into Williams eyes and his cold hands became warm he could no longer smell the blood all he felt was the need to protect her. She held on to William for a few seconds before she let go, William glimpsed into her grey eyes and let her go thinking of what's happening to him why does his heart hurt to let go. The woman ran away, Daniel and Eric were eager to have a taste but William forbid them to. Angry and confused they questioned their brothers demand when he said " Something is wrong with me!" They laughed and poke fun at him. Daniel suggested they find a way to cross the river before they get caught it took them a few minutes before they figure out that it wasn't very deep and could walk across with ease. Once on the other side they continued to walk through the forest, it was starting to get dark and Eric noticed a speck of light coming from behind the trees as they get closer they came to a small village that was having a festival to celebrate their harvest. the vampires blend it with the villagers and tried to make it through the festival without being noticed or hurting anyone. Daniel heard music for the first time and couldn't help but dancing with the kids in street the villagers treated him as one of their own it wasnt long after a family found us unknowingly of what they were the family took them in. Snowflake search high and low for the vampires but couldn't find them so he covered up everything he burned down the laboratory and buried all the files and reports of the vampires it was like they never existed. William found the woman again and followed her where he met her family and learned her name, Miranda. William wanted to stay, Eric found someone he fell in love with to and decided he wasn't going to leave.The vampires stayed in the village learning how to live without hurting anyone and even though it was hard they promised never to drink humans blood ever again. they would venture into the forest to haunt an kill animals. William started to follow human traditions and respected everyone of them and his brothers would follow as he go. William married Miranda and Eric married his lover, Daniel began to learn reading and creating music so they all had a reason to stay. Years passed and people in the village began to notice the skin of the vampires haven't changed they looked as if they never aged. This is where William felt safe to tell his wife what he was. Miranda was setting the table for dinner and in a split second her life went before her eyes as he explained to her what he was . Scared and concerned Miranda hid the truth and told William to leave while he can. Unknowingly there was a listening ear who was Miranda's father. He leaked the information to the villagers and they were chased out of the village Eric wasnt so lucky his wife had betrayed him she locked him in the house and set it on fire, unfortunatelyunfortunatelyhe died. Daniel an William got angry and ended up killing her in sight which got the villagers more scared they chased them out of the village which torches and pitch forks but Miranda's love for William didn't die she left with him leaving behind her parents for she was displeased of their actions.

34 years passed things were more civilized and William and Daniel built a mansion locking away what they are and what they are capable of. William started a business of his own he found a passion for building and started building for business men not long after William had his own business and became filthy rich. Miranda was changed into a vampire by drinking Williams blood she never wished to die. She gave birth to 10 kids 9 boys and 1 girl. The boys were Jake Jason, jimmy, Joshua, justin, Jarved, Dean Stephen, Damon and the girl was Rosetta. The kids were all grown up and loved each other but Daniel never found peace he was reminded of Eric. For 34 years his heart grew hate and angry he would find faults in Williams life and try to separate Miranda from William. Until one day William asked him to leave the mansion. The kids all grew into successful men an woman they each owned apart of their parents business and were all co-operative towards each other no threat was greater than the strength of each other. The organization which failed years ago came back to haunt William when one of his sons Damon got into the medical field. while helping wounded soldiers, they mention working for snowflake. Damon was the youngest son an the eye of William he loved damon more than the rest it bothered him that damon worked there and demanded he left his job an go elsewhere. Damon was stubborn and continued with his work. scared out of his mind he called Daniel only to find out Daniel owns snowflake now. He was mad and went question Daniel about his in dever. But Daniel wanted to kill William and his family only because William stood to protect a human over his own brother. With the acknowledgment of what Daniel had in mind William explained to his sons what had happened and what they needed to do. They were sworn to protect each other and the field was covered in blood as the soldiers were no match for Williams boys they were stronger an faster snowflake was destroyed for good but it wasnt over this was just the beginning. The boys knew they had to protect their parents from future generations of evil and they had to do so with certain methods that kept them apart jake Stephen damon and Joshua went to Maldives while jimmy jason dean justin jarved went to London. they all bought huge mansions and built companies to keep their questions open research and reports keep coming as snowflake raised again the guys were ready and prepared for anything but what they didn't expect was Daniel targeted their father and killed him in his sleep. they all came home to find their father in a box. this was the most terrifying moment in their lives on that day Miranda swore that she would get rid of snowflake for good. Out of all the sons one took responsibility of taking care of the family by secretly goin out of his way to find Daniel regardless of what his mother said he was stronger than the rest and also faster his anger grew and in a few weeks he found Daniel the game has begun...

thanks for reading hope you enjoy
snowflake chapter 2 is coming soon ....😘🥰