


🌈 Chapter 1 🌈

Push it one more time my queen said the mid wife to the queen of akuna kingdom!!!
Yes yes haaaaa,(pushing with all her strength)
Yes my queen,you can do it said the mid wife(sweating all over, trying to deliver the queen's baby for over 3 hours)
Immediately the baby started coming with the leg,and not the normal way of coming through the head,this is really strange,never in their land had anyone gave birth to a child coming out through the legs before.
The shout and cry of the queen of akuna kingdom as she was trying to force the baby out, caused a great lightening and thunder to strike heavily in the sky, making a very heavy mighty wind to blow strangely in the kingdom,the lightening and thunder storm struck directly in the vacinity exactly where the queen was given birth.
With the last strength the queen had,she forcefully pushed out her baby,the mid wife said,it a girl, smilling,then she ordered the mid wife in a weak voice, without even seeing her baby to name her,'sonia',
Immediately she gave up the ghost.
The king was called fort and was told about the happenings of all what took place,cause he knew his wife was having a very hard time,while trying to give birth,when he heard of the death of his wife he became sober,and was so sad,he had to take care of the child his wife left in his care,he named her Sonia,just making sure to fulfill the wish of his late wife.
For days and months,he stayed without Food nor water, the king did not eat or come out of his room to address his counselors,and that elders of his kingdom,the whole kingdom loved their queen and mourn her for 88 days,for her spirit to reach the kingdom of no sorrows and pains,cause it is their custom and believe to perform rituals for every dead persons soul to rest and be with their ancestors where there will be no sorrows or pain,cause their believe that the Earth is full of sorrows and pains.
The elders of the kingdom and chiefs of the king,were pleading for their king to eat and forget about what happened,so that his child will know that she has a father even if her mother died while trying to give birth to her,cause it will be a sad moment with the child if someone else tells the story to her, when she grows up and found out that her mother died in her own birth, while her father died cause of the death of his wife the queen. So he should be strong cause of his only child,the king thought about it and accepted to stay strong for his child, cause he thought that for a child to come out from the mother's womb through the legs,and everything was different on the day she was given birth,is not an ordinary child,so he needs to be alive to see her grow and train her to become strong and not to depend on anybody even if he dies later on,since she is a girl child she should know her left and right,even her way in and out.
In the night,in his dreams he saw,