

The Necklace. (PG 13- Language)
The diamond necklace on the mannequin looked familiar. I placed my palm on the window that separated me and the mannequin and I leaned in closer, it was the necklace that my grandma gave to me.

It had G.B/1952 on it. It stood for Grace Beckett and the year she was born. And it has this unique scratch, so i knew it was that one.

I go into the shop and ask for the owners number. "We can not do that, but we can leave a message" She told me. "Well, can I speak to the manager, this is really important" I replied. "Ugh, fine" She snarled.

The manager comes in. "Where did you get this necklace" I said while pointing at it. "I don't know ma'am, We get a lot of things in and bought. And we usually just get one type of that item" He replied. "Thank you, Sir" I said back.

I left the store and went to my mothers house. I opened the door. "Mom? Mom? Are you here?" I yelled. No reply. I walk into my mothers room and she's on the floor. I run over to here. There's a note next to her. "Worth the necklace?" Is what it said.

I called the cops. They arrive in more than 30 minutes. "I'm sorry for your loss, ma'am. We can do a DNA scan if you want,but that's about it" The officer said. "Yes, Sir, thank you" I replied.

I started driving to my house when i get a call from an unknown number. "Was it worth it?, Another one is coming soon" they said in a robotic tone while chuckling.

I called the police officer back and I told him what just happened. "Okay, don't go home, do NOT go home, come to the station".

I started driving to the station. I finally arrived. "You are going to be checked into our witness protection program" he told me. "But, but, I'm not a witness or at threat, right?" I replied. He took a long breath. "I'm sorry to inform you ma'am, but we have a reason to believe you're in danger" He said in a serious tone.

I didn't ask anymore questions, I just listened. I should've asked more questions. I really should've. but at least I got this nice hous. (for six months) and sixty thousand dollars.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*
I answer the phone. "Is this Emma Beckett"? Someone said. "Why do you need to know"? I asked. "Are you or are you not Emma Beckett"? They said once again. "Yes, yes i am, why"? I asked. "Your father died and your the top suspect, I'm sorry for your loss but you have 5 minutes to leave that house in 3... 2.. 1.

I run downstairs and get my car keys and drive to my best friend's house. I arrive and start knocking like crazy. "Open Mary, it's me, Emma, please hurry up" I yelled somewhat frustrated. I told her everything.

"You're in deep shit, Emma, How are you even a suspect"? She asks. "Your guess is as good as mine".

*Whoop whoop* *whoop*
I hear the police sirens in the distance. They bust down the door. "Get on the fucking ground now" They yelled at me.

They put me in handcuffs and took me in their police cruiser. I arrive at county jail. They tell me I have court in a few days.

*few days later*
Finally my court date arrives. "I know by sentece you to twenty-five years in maximum security prison" The judge slammed the mallet down.

Pls, whoever is reading my story. I didn't kill my mother. Please, I don't deserve to be in here. Help me.

© MattTheOneAndOnly