

I'm a strange being
Sometimes I feel most excited
when the moon is at its peakest,
it's like the super moon makes me a super woman,
I feel so strong, too happy, too calm
my emotions at the highest,
I feel like I can take on the whole world ,
sometimes it feels like there are knots in my stomach
waiting to be untied,
Sometimes I want to just dance,
And I dance till my legs wobbles
sometimes I want to scream at the top of my lungs,
scream out my joy
scream out my pain,
it strange I think I have a personality disorder or is there multiple persons inside me,
I'm hungry but I don't feel like eating
It's not cold but I'm shaking
I'm breathing like I have to pay for the oxygen...
They are numerous but I'm taking it in one by one , one by one, one by...
I'm not crazy but I want to feed the world

it is alot it is alot.

© rookie poet