

The Arabian Nights
_The lady and her five_
Once there lived a beautiful woman in a city. She was married to a merchant, who after their marriage, went to a far country and was absent for a long time. So his young, beautiful wife fell in love with a handsome young
One day the Youth quarreled with another man and the chief of police cast him into jail. When the woman heard the news, she dressed herself in her finest and went to the house of the chief of police. She said that the prisoner was her brother and that he had been wrongly imprisoned. She requested the chief to release him for she had none other to provide for her support. The chief was enchanted by the lady's beauty and said, " I will release him if you marry me". The woman replied, "Then come to my house this evening and take me as your bride. " She gave him her address and took leave of him.
Then she went to Kazi and telling him her story, begged of his assistant to set the youth free. And the Kazi, greatly impressed by her beauty, said, '' Your brother must be release if you agree to marry me." The woman gave her address to Kazi and asked him to come to her house in the evening.
Then she went to Wazir and related to him the same story. And the Wazir, like other two, gave her a proposal of marriage. The woman gave address to the Wazir and said, " Come to my house this evening and take me as your wife."
Next she went to the king of the city. She also related to him her grievance and sought of him the youth's release. The king too, attracted by her beauty asked her to marry him. The woman replied promptly, " Then come to my house this evening and take me as your bride." She also gave her adress to the ring and left the palace.
At last, she went to a carpenter. She told him to make a cabinet with four compartments. one above another, each with it's door for locking up. Then she asked for the price of making the cabinet. " I ask no price of you if you marry me, " Said carpenter. The woman smiled and said, " Then come to my house this evening and make five compartments instead of four. " She gave her address to the carpenter and the happy carpenter made her cabinet then and there.
In the evening, the woman put on her costliest dress and adorned herself with precious ornaments and sat down to wait. First came Kazi, she welcomed him and served him delicious food and drink. When the Kazi was about to eat, there came a knock at the door. "My husband, " said the woman, "but fear not I will hide you in this cabinet safely. " So she pushed him into the lower cabinet and locked the door up. It was a slave who according to her plan, knocked at the door.
Then came, the Chief of police, the Wazir, the king and the Carpenter. She applied to them the same trick and locked them in the other four compartments of the cabinet. She had already realized a written order of the youth's release from the king. Then she packed up all her valuable jeweleries. and costly dresses and went to the jailor read the order and at once made the youth free. Then the woman and the youth loaded their goods on camels and set out for an unknown place. The king and the other four were rescued after three days by some neighbours of the lady who befooled them.
