

A Tale of Two Spirits
Once long ago in a forest who's name has been lost to time lived Astrieal the spirit of the wildflowers. Astrieal was a cat like none ever seen her all black fur was slightly long though it looked as if no light could ever puncture it's darkness, except for in the center of her forehead she bore a red poppy birthmark that many mistook as a real flower. Her eyes were a deep red outlined in black making her iris look like petals. Astrieal spent her days frolicking deep in the center of the forest where a large clearing sat covered in the most beautiful wildflowers to ever live with colors that have no names. Astrieal loved her flowers and fiercely protected them, one day after patrolling the perimeter of the field she playfully began to chase a butterfly around the clearing sending dandelions up into the canopy. Astrieal basked in the sun flickering though the tree tops when she caught movement from the corner of her eye, turning to face where the movement came from Astrieal saw a large raven descending onto a tree branch. The Raven watched Astrieal intently never breaking his watch of her not even to land on the branch. Astrieal huffed a dandelion from her nose, straighted her posture and began making her way to where the raven sat. As she approached the raven said nothing it only watched coming to look down on her as she reached the tree, Astrieal looked up making eye contact with the raven "Who are you? Why are you watching me?" Astrieal demanded "I am Hasteal, spirit of the wind" Hasteal matter of factly said "and I am here to collect the wildflower seeds" "WHAT?!? why would you want them wind spirit you can't grow flowers in the wind. You have no need of them, and you can't have them!" Astrieal hissed moving from sitting to a defensive stance. " Oh silly wildflower spirit" Hasteal giggled " I don't want to keep them, my wind carries your seed to spread them and continue the life of the forest. How is it that you don't know this truth? What a worthless predecessor you must have had to learn from and your parents must be so ashamed of what a failure of a spirit you are." "YOU HOLD YOUR TONGUE RAVEN OR I'LL CUT IT OUT! HOW DARE YOU SPEAK OF MY MOTHER, SHE IS THE ONLY REASON THIS FOREST, THESE FLOWERS, AND I STILL LIVE. When the fire spirit lay waste to the forest consuming the earth spirit in his belief that only one ultimate spirit should exist, twas my mother who alone stood up to him allowing your grandfather to align with the water spirit in the great spirit war to take the fire spirit down and return the essence of the earth spirit to it's rightful heir. My mother gave her life so I and this forest may have one!" Astrieal hissed. Hasteal felt embarrassment fill his body as be looked at the ground for the first time since Astrieal noticed him, she saw his blue eyes turn darker then almost go black sighing " Forgive my disrespect Astrieal I did not think before I spoke twas inappropriate of me and I beg of your pardon." Hasteal solemnly whispered. Astrieal said nothing she only stared at Hasteal as no one had ever asked forgiveness of her. "Astrieal I would like to help you if you'll let me, to make up for my rudeness." Hasteal looked at her again "How?" Astrieal asked suspiciously "I can teach you to read the ancient scrolls so you may learn the rituals and duties required of you as the wildflower spirit, and I can prepare you for your spirit binding with the great spirit. unless you havelearned already somehow." "NO, or I mean no I haven't learned, nor do I know how to learn alone. You would really help me?" Astrieal shakily asked "Why of course I would I mean will!" Hasteal chuckled "It would be a great honor to. Hasteal voice turning serious. "Yes! I would love that Hasteal when can we start?" Astrieal leaped around she hadn't felt this happy since before the great spirit war. " Well how about now?" Hasteal asked "YES! FOLLOW ME!" Astrieal joyfully shouted as she began running through the clearing towards the path to her home. With a shake of his head Hasteal was of after her quickly catching up as they both reached Astrieal's home, And so this is how it went in Astrieal would come to the clearing and Hasteal would meet her at the tree they first met. Hasteal showed great patience with Astrieal as she would quickly become frustrated when she didn't catch on quickly or would mess up when reading a scroll. "I can't do it!" Astrieal huffed slamming a scroll shut and letting it roll it to the floor. Hasteal picked up the scroll and softly set it on the table "Astrieal you are doing amazing, do you think your mother, my grandfather, or even I learned everything overnight? haha no we didn't I spent many a day feeling how you are feeling right now, but don't give up you are getting better everyday" Hasteal said trying to comfort Astrieal. "ok" Astrieal whispered she sat quietly for a few minutes, Hasteal considered calling it a day when Astrieal broke the silence "Let's go again." she said confidently as she opened the scroll and started over. Hasteal for the first time in his life felt something he hadn't before and he knew in his heart it was pride. As Astrieal's talent and skill grew their friendship grew in equal parts, soon they spent everyday together. Astrieal came to realize that she enjoyed Hasteal's company and he to enjoyed Astrieal's. The two months of his teaching and her learning seemed to fly by as the day had come for Astrieal to travel to the spirit cave to see the great spirit for her to be assessed into the true wildflower spirit. On the morning of day Hasteal and Astrieal woke before the sun and began their journey. When the sun was highest in the sky they arrived at the cave. Astrieal hesitated and Hasteal could see she was nervous and a little scared, landing by her side he put a wing on her shoulder, causing Astrieal to look at him. "You are ready Astrieal, I believe in you" Hasteal said reassuringly Astrieal said nothing she only nodded rose and began making her way into the cave when she reached the mouth Astrieal stopped to glance over her shoulder at Hasteal. "I'll be right here when you return" Hasteal said, Astrieal then turned and disappeared into the cave. After what seemed like forever Hasteal saw Astrieal emerge from the cave a slight glow radiated from her body. Hasteal made his way to her quickly "you did it!" he Chirped excitedly "no we did it" Astrieal replied a smile growing across her face "Astrieal.. I need to collect the seeds time is almost lost for such event." Hasteal said more serious now "I know" Astrieal cheerfully said before dashing off down the path "Rase ya to the clearing!" Hasteal heard her chime over her shoulder. "Your on!"Hasteal yell to her as he shot up into the air taking flight, Hasteal was landing on the branch they first met at when Astrieal was reaching said tree. "How did you..? nevermind" Astrieal giggled "Ready" Hasteal asked "mhmm" Astrieal nodded. Hasteal began to sing the most beautiful song Astrieal had ever her and for a moment she was entranced by his elegance, she didn't know how but she knew when to begin singing her part Hasteal was equally taken aback as he had never heard Astrieal sing the words only speak them while learning. The wind began to twist and turn around the clearing picking up the seeds from the wildflowers and a few petals and within minutes the most beautiful tornado either of them had ever saw engulfed the sky rising up and like a firework the seeds and petals shot off onto different breezes, bringing the sky above the clearing back to it's original form. Astrieal and Hasteal finished singing in unison. Astrieal asked "where will they all go?" Smiling Hasteal replies simply "wherever they are needed" Astrieal found a strange satisfaction with that answer. Hasteal suddenly took to the sky "Time to celebrate let's go slow poke!" he called flying toward the path to Astrieal's house. "No fair get back here!" Astrieal laughed taking off after him. Hasteal and Astrieal remained friends for centuries, the most unlikely of friends became the best of friends. This story is told to this day teaching us that instead of rejecting other for their differences, accept and look past them.
∆×For friendship can be found
with anyone and anywhere×∆
© LullabiiSkye