

The dishonest shopkeeper
Once there lived a ghee shop keeper.He was selling contaminated ghee.

Once he was caught by the police and he was taken to the judge.

The judge gave punishment to the ghee shopkeeper that he has to drink the contaminated ghee (or) he has to get 100 whip lashes (or) to give 1000 rupees as fine.

The shopkeeper accepted to drink the ghee.He started drinking the ghee and stopped at the half and said that he was not able to drink it.

He said that he is accepting to get 100 whip lashes.After 50 lashes he said that it was paining and said that he is giving the fine amount.

The judge said "See how foolish you are.I said you to accept only a punishment.But due to your foolishness you have accepted all the punishments."

The shopkeeper then started selling real ghee and lived happily.