

My Father's Mistake Chapter 3 (the End)
I was busy trying to put Erick to bed but he kept pushing me away
"Will you stay still and make this easy for us"I said trying to put him to bed
"Stay away from me you slave"he said and I was confused this was the first time he was acting like this, knowing fully well that he is drunk I decided to play along.
"Am sorry sir but am just trying to make you comfortable"I said
"Will you shut up!! you disgusts me,I hate being around you,if not for the fact that your father couldn't pay the money he owns my family,so he had to use his stupid daughter as a sacrifice for his debt I wouldn't be stuck with you(pause to breathe) I have a wife and son for Christ sake(sobs) and am neglecting my responsibility for a nobody"He said as tears rolled down my cheeks,shocked and speechless I kept my phone which I used to record all he said beside me and gently walked away to the guest room,there I cried throughout the night thinking of what I just discovered.
The next day I woke up early as usual,did my normal routine and sat at the couch while Erick walked down to me.
"Hey babe good morning"he said as he tried to kiss me but I pushed him off
"What's wrong?"He asked
"Am tired of this marriage"I said
"what!! why would you a thing like that huh? Have I ever been a bad husband to you?He asked
"That's the point (I yelled angrily)you were never my husband,I disgusts you remember?" I said in tears
"No you don't please don't say a thing like that,I love you Cassey,I really do"He said
"LIES,why do you keep lying and pretending,I know you have a wife and a son ok"I said
"What are you talking about?"He asked in shock as I played the record for him sobbing like a baby
"Why??why the lies? You should have just told me from the start,I was starting to love you"I cried uncontrollably
"Look am sorry ok,I didn't mean for any of this to happen,I just didn't know how to come clean,you dad had no money to pay the debt so he used you,am sorry"he said but I was too angry to believe
"Am done with you and your lies ok,am leaving and for good,your family needs you"I said as I picked my prepared luggage to leave he tried to stop me but I wasn't ready to give in.I sent a text to my dad telling him about everything and how I got to find out he used his own daughter to settle a debt,I told him not to look for me.
Erick tried calling but I never picked nor returned any of his calls,it was after some weeks I discovered that I was pregnant before leaving Erick's house,with the little money I saved I opened a small clothing shop,got a small apartment and promise to take care of my baby with or without a father.

The End,thanks for reading,like, comment and share love you all
© silver