

Why silent
You woke up feeling great. Your neighbors’ loud dogs weren’t barking, and you don’t hear the kids fighting over toys. You proceed to follow your morning routine as usual and go to work. What do you think happened? Create something extraordinary as a story.
It was raining heavily.Weather forecasts further rain.Political administration appealed all the citizens to be in the house. And don't venture outside as the rain may intense in next few hours.
I can't hear my neighbor'dog barking.
The children in the street remained silent and stayed inside the house and watching the rain pouring.
But I cannot sit in the home.I have to start my work as usual.Because I work for fire and rescue department.So I have to reach my office in spite of heavy rain.I don't know when I will return home, so I told my mum to be careful.I arranged all essentials for emergency to her and left the house.Hope everything will be normal in a day or two.
You also pray the God for us

© Vadamalaisamy