

The Most Special Thing
I change the figures
In my case
As I hear a knock at the door
So I go to see who is there.
And once I go to the door
and open it I see a man
with a suit and suitcase
Hello nice to see you again
what brings you here
well I was searching
your paper work
and I found this
what is it
this paper it says you own
some estate box
what an estate box
yes and it will come here tomorrow
at 9:00
ok great I want to see what's in it
well I will be by then so make time ok.
So he leaves
but that night I have a dream that
something bad jumped out the box
So I throw water on my face
And get ready for the day
And then it's time it's a knock
at the door and I am upset to open
it but maybe it will
be different
So I let him in
he got the box with him
and what we see next is
amazing it's. a huge crystal
but it got an egg inside
So this crystal came
from the Netherlands
and what happens next was
the room started shaking
and the crystal cracked
and the alien jumped
out with. a gun and he said
I been waiting years to contact
you got. my mysteries
what mysteries
The ones in a box by your draw
for you see this is my story
and you have been reading it
for years.
So I am not new to earth I been here
An I just wanted to meet you
So this me popping by
So I am going back in
my crystal ok and your friend
I put to sleep will wake back up
when I leave
Ok I had this bad dream I thought
you were bad
no I am good
I just want you to read the mysteries
So you can remember me
So when I go back in the crystal
set me in your case
next to the other things
which you hold dear
then I know that I will
be safe there.
So that I do
And then I sit
back in my chair as if
nothing happens
and my friend wakes oh
what happened oh you
we're just out for awhile
but you are ok here's some
tea with sugar drink
he does an feelings safe
with her and she sees him to
the door. then once he leaves.
She goes to the case and says
I will always be with you this
way. I think I will go and read
a mystery like you like
So she smiles
It's not everyday
someone can say I got my own
👽 who wants to be in my care
funny haha haha yes.
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