

Lost Soul
I have lived so much of my life in the ether. It is jarring to be called back. I have walked about invisibly, intentionally, for so long I find myself imposed apon when recognized. when brought back to a reality I do not belong to. To a world I do not belong to. I wanted more then I achieved, I exude a demeanor that tells me so. yet still I feel stumped? what should I share, who will care? who will listen? who will act?
My life has seemed marginalized, belittled, forgotten. but was it me who forgot? Was it me who forgot to start, to become, to take flight. Was it me who forgot me, and left me disappointed?
Did I do such a good job of blending in that I forgot to become?
Can I press reset, can I have another go?
Can I find the spot in my mind that tripped me up?
Will I be brave enough this time?
The problem is this, the constant pondering, the fear of the jump. Just content with letting myself dangle.
Observing the world in motion and not catching step.
Am I brave enough?
I think I am, finally.