

Sometimes I close my eyes and paint these walls a different color.I imagine I'm wearing warm socks and sitting by a fire.I imagine someone's given me a book to read, a story to take me away form the torture of my own mind.I want to be someone else somewhere else with something else to fill my mind. I want to run,to feel the wind bombarding my face.I want to pretend that this is just a story within a story.That this cell is just a scene, that these hands don't belong to me that this window leads to somewhere beautiful if only I could break it.I pretend this pillow is clean,l pretend this bed is soft.I pretend and pretend and pretend until the world becomes so breathtaking behind my eyelids that I can no longer contain it. But then my eyes fly open and I'm caught around the throat by a pair of hands that won't stop suffocating suffocating suffocating.
© Anmol