

Khan Sir:The Case Study[Part-3].
[Please, 🥺 go for previous part if You didn't read it,if read then, ignore this statement].

✅6. Why Tehreek e Labbaik Pakistan extremist party was protesting?
→Tehreek e Labbaik Pakistan extremist party was protesting because Charlie Hebdo had drawn cartoon on Prophet Muhammad,but,if You research or google it about Charlie Hebdo,then,You will find Charlie Hebdo had aggressively provoked many religious beliefs like Christianity,Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and etc. in past years, recently Charlie Hebdo created it's art against Hinduism which stated that where is 33M Gods,if Indians are dying in corona time.
In short 😑, france goverments also supports ignorance as they are not watching wrong in insulting beliefs of others by Charlie Hebdo team in France.

But, here point is why extremists like Tehreek e Labbaik Pakistan extremist party reacting like this,we must to keep ourselves calm and cool, because,it is their work,we can't do anything 🤔, because,they are in their country.

✅7. Why Charlie Hebdo team in France producing uncertainty in healthy-atmosphere?
→ Charlie Hebdo is a French satirical weekly magazine, featuring cartoons, reports, polemics, and jokes.
I don't care what types of jokes or cartoon they made in blasphemy.
Blasphemy simply means writing or speaking about God in a way that shows a lack of respect,in that way,You can hurts anyone who is believes in the God.
Question ⁉️ was,why they are spreading non sense arts,it's simple answer 💡 is Politics. Religious people easily aggressively triggered by these type of morons 🥱 society or team who has no 😬 mind 💢,always remains in unnecessarily-talks and vehicles of politics is always rolls on fuels of religious conflicts amongst people.
In same way, Politicians uses religious sentiments,and,makes the situations of riots.
Many times mob lynching happens in India in the name of Shree Ram or Allah,I don't know when all these types of activity will end.
The slogan -"Beti Bachao Beti Bachao (or,Save Daughter, Teach Daughter)"- when some kind of morons weighed daughter on religions or castes basis, otherwise,Manisha,a dalit victim woman would not bury in mid night by Police officers in the Uttar Pradesh. Really, this was disgusting and it proved that many of police 🚨 officers who supports crime,

Dear readers,did you understanding my points?
If yes,then,okay.

✅8. What is government treaties?
→Central Government treaties are crucial for connects the countries, because,if we need 🤔 anything,then,We will helped by any of these countries.
Here,I undoubtedly support Khan Sir when he had said 🗣️ that what is problem when Charlie Hebdo team had drawn the cartoon of Prophet Muhammad,it is not only the reason that any country break the relationship with other country.
As for example 🤔,
Why Tehreek e Labbaik Pakistan extremist party was protesting because of Charlie Hebdo team in France had drawn something 🤔 wrong ❌ about Prophet Muhammad,
but,my questions to those people,is it right?in my opinion,Tehreek e Labbaik Pakistan extremist party was wrong ❌ because due to actions of Tehreek e Labbaik Pakistan extremist party, Pakistani Government can't break the treaties with France,it is their personal matters between two countries,so,Tehreek e Labbaik Pakistan extremist party banned in Pakistan.

I will give You another example 🤔,if Charlie Hebdo team of france hurts any religions like Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and etc,then, India 🇮🇳 will not break it's relationship with France, because,here is more complex religious communities are situated.

But, China is exception😂, China who try to fight ⚔️ with India 🇮🇳,I don't know when Indian Soldiers take back Aksai Chin from China and Pakistan occupied Kashmir from Pakistan.

And, third example 🤔 is that if Charlie Hebdo team insults Christianity(that also already did),then, European countries will not break their treaties with France,this is their personal matters.

Fun fact:-In freedom of expression 😁, recently a French Man slapped Emmanuel Macron by giving a reason that Emmanuel Macron is cause of declining of France,then, two French Man arrested for four months, and,see 🙈 how much ❤️ freedom 🕊️ given by Emmanuel Macron, president of france.

✅9. Israel and Palestine discussion by Khan Sir?
Israel Palestine discussion was conducted by Khan Sir,he was saying that India 🇮🇳 always supported by Israel,so, India can support Israel,but,from the time of Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Palestine was supported by India,and,in one speech of Atal Bihari Vajpayee Bihari speeches that India 🇮🇳 will definitely help Palestine because of Israeli grabbed the Arab's land, referring about Palestine,so,India 🇮🇳 has problems to help Israel inspite of good relationship between India 🇮🇳 and Israil,but,today 🤔Palestine is right,so,india will help Palestine.
And, if You supports Israel,then,it is just like You supports Aksai Chin,China occupied Kashmir and Pakistan occupied Kashmir,so, morally India stands with Palestine.

✅10. Intermediate Shaitans or Satans who try to defame Khan Sir?

→This point is crucial because from here public diverted from unity,many of the arrogant and well cultured-illiterate people spreads hates by using short clip from Khan's Sir lecture video or video on particular issue.
There is no need to take a short video clip from his video,and, targets anyone, otherwise,result will be targeted person or a community will blame Khan Sir.

If Khan Sir explaining about one historical event or a political issue,then,some of people like Rituraj Singh (YouTuber),Shoeb Jamai(Speaker mostly in debates on mainstream-media), and, Rachit from Sabloktantra(Youtuber) spreading hates towards Khan Sir,or,other digital social pests doing like this.
So,be aware from these kinds of hate 😑 spreader.

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© Abdul Ahad GujBihari