

Do you have memories? huh! silly question but reasonable. Yes we all have memories. Do you remember all of them. Yep not all, i know... so what about forgotten ones. But my forgotten story is different and creepy. When I was small and at my school i met a girl standing behind tree. My school is not to big nor small. It has 66 rooms and a playground with lot of swings and a basket ball court and 100 years old neem tree. So, she was just standing behind the tree. I asked her "what's wrong" two times. I thought she is egnoring me. I had my own abnormal self respect 😅. I threw a ball towards her and then i fainted and fall down. You know the reason why i syncop because........, my ball passed through her. But i don't remember anything else after i fainted this is not that scary. But the scary thing is that, that why i always have such silly dreams😂. Surprise....!!, sorry for that stupid suspense. But i told you already in the starting of story that" Mine is different"!!
© SM✌