

Syphilis is a powerful Alpha deity that is destroyed by death and resurrection with the help of the god of death, Mihaimon. With the sacrifice of Mihaimon and the gods of fate in the beginning of the next era the gods of death are appeased and Syphilis is defeated, but what is immortal stays immortal. His reincarnation brings extreme doom and unending suffering. ..

Elinne found the last surviving warrior of Jeond’s army, Amat, in a strange and awful realm called the Realm of the Gods. He asked her to bring the god of death, Mihaimon, to the Realm of the Gods where they would defeat Jeond and finally die. The combined efforts of Amat, Elen, and Mihaimon managed to do that. They all died with Jeond and the god of death destroyed Jeond once and for all. Jeond did not fall but disappeared into the depths of the realm of death forever, immortal and without form. It was a great victory and hope that was renewed that death and death shall only be a matter of time as long as the gods are willing to help us defeat monsters and gods of death. But the thought of Jeond’s existence shook the entire Kingdom Manannan and by the next morning, the entire realm was covered in snow. The roads and towns were transformed into a vast wilderness and mountains rose from the ground. In a quick spell, a crisis was averted. Amat’s death was not in vain.

In the three years following, the great powers of the other lands of Jond had began to forge alliances. The tide had begun to turn, the winning team was becoming inevitable, and everything was moving toward Manannan’s inevitable collapse. Jeond had become the power broker, the implacable force that drove the pendulum of fate toward inevitable calamity. From the dust that soon shrouded the lands, a new God would rise. A dark priest with grey skin and a long beard. He would wear a mask on his face and the voice that came from it was cold and empty, and one that carried a strange accent that sounded like a mix between a modern Nordic accent and some European one. The priest had a great vision of the future and he would not be stopped by the cries of those who knew nothing of the Gods. Manannan had been saved once, and he would save his people again.

And in time, the very gods would fall.

Faithful Reader,

The story of Jeond from the Kingdom of Manannan ended on a rather bad note. Despite his defeat at the hands of the gods, the King of Manannan survived and when he emerged from hiding, he found himself as ruler of a dead wasteland. It was not long before he was forced to build a town, The Great Burning.
© Sabifrosh