

Being a woman is an adventure.
We are more than a belly.
Being single we want to love and be loved.
Separated the same.
When men only want satisfaction.
Ejaculate and release stress.
To be a woman is to surrender to a world often unknown.
Where you do not know if it will be for pleasure, to fulfill, to create children, when in the soul a woman only feels love.
And a man only feels satisfaction.
Man is sexual.
 The woman a heart.
When they break a woman's heart,
Sometimes it becomes and becomes an object, an she interest, it is only interested in obtaining a profit in exchange for pleasure because it no longer feels and gave all its love. In exchange for nothing ...

And she will ask you, man how much you earn and how much you have and what you can give her.

An honest, educated woman, with values, with a good heart, she will simply share her life with you,
if you are in her expectations and if she is sure that you love her
and you are not disoriented and without values.
She will share with you without thinking.
A couple is for sharing.
 Never to profit.

And women should not be stupid.
A man who lo ves her
values ​​and produces.
It integrates you and values ​​you. Never.
He never hides you .. Woman.

You are worth woman.

It is better be alone than in bad company.
Love yourself Life is short.
You can't imagine, 0what means
What it's like to suffer with the wrong person.
There is always someone better for you,
when you love yourself.
Of course everything is experience.
If you like, enjoy.
Enjoy life.
I love all.
You have to live in peace.
By. Maricris Meza.