

I wanted out.
Chapter 1

I hate this job being on the streets with all these other prostitutes its going to get me killed. Raul told me once my dept was paid off I was free to go but I'm scared that he's lying, the other girl he told that was found in a container at the dock. I need to find someone whose willing to help me get out of this messed. I'm not looking to die anytime soon if he doesn't kill me, catching the virus will or being overdose on drugs these bastard that pays for your favour is very demanding even thou I always get the good ones. I remember one of my favourite client they called him Mr Gold, everything he wore was expensive and he was very fine and well mannered, broad muscular shoulders sculptured face and beautiful brown eyes and dark chocolate skin; wore expensive clothing the only thing that gave him that sinister look was the scar across his face some say he had gotten it from a hooker who he almost beaten to death, all the girls was in love with him but he never seemed to get angry. I didn't believe for a second he was capable of abusing any woman he was way too charming and treated all the ladies with respect. He spent alot of money and bought lot of expensive things for the ladies that were in his favor, I never slept with him because he never once ask for my favour. I was a prostitute I made more money than all the other girls, I knew my debt was paid off but Raul he didn't want to let me go so I decided that I would take it upon myself to ask Mr.Bigs to buy me from him and I would be in his debt instead. He was one of my client who had bought girls before from Raul, maybe he would do the same if I asked for his help but little did I know that Raul had different plans for me. What I didn't know was that Mr.Gold had already made an arrangement for me to come and live with him which meant that he bought me. When I reported in that night for duty all the girls was giving me the eye, I was scared out of my core because the only time they did that was when a girl messed up and was about to be dealt with and I meant be killed. I enter Raul officer and closed the door behind me like I always did but this time I was terrified, all he did was just standing there looking at me from head to toe with his cigar in his left hand, staring he said," it's a pity I never gotten a taste of your flesh while I had the chance, your a very smart; beautiful girl the best I've ever have and I'm very disappointed that you have to leave me." When I heard that I was screaming inside wondering where did I went wrong, what did I do?, he always compliment a girl before killing them I couldn't help myself but to say, " Raul please don't kill me whatever it is that I've done wrong let me make it up to you." He started to laugh and I almost peed myself can't believe he was actually laughing at me he's going to kill me and my parents might never find me not as if my mom miss me maybe my father but I didn't want to die. " I'm not going to kill you Laura not unless I want to answer to Mr.Gold which I don't want the problem, I've made lots of money off you and I must say I'm really sorry to see you go but your not my problem anymore." He said calmly, what was he talking about and the mention of Mr.Gold was he going to kill me maybe he was cruel after all I know the man don't really like white girls but I'm not even white; I'm from a interracial family I only look white but my dad was black and my moms white and I always gotten special privileges because of my looks I had really beautiful jet-black curly hair and bright grey eyes and my complexion was next to white but had this tan tone. When I was about fourteen modelling agency was calling my mom twenty four seven I even remember one time a stranger called police on my dad when they saw him scolding me, they taught he was some black man molesting a white man child it happen alot to him I always felt sad but I love my father I had his passion for music and the voice from my mother but I never played or sing anymore. Raul found me the night I ran away. I was scared and lonely he promise to take care of me and he did for awhile until he notice how men surrounded me like crazy and told him how beautiful I was. They offered him plenty of money for me and that's when he gotten this crazy idea to pimp me out I was only sixteen at the time. My first job I was with a very rich man he was also very attractive for his age of fifty all he wanted me to do was talk to him I did just that and he never touch me and he told me to pretend as if we had sex he wanted to look big, he had problem getting an erection and I gadly pretended to. I never forgotten that man he was my client for three years until he had an heart attack. But I was so terrified when I saw the man they called Gold enter the office. " Are you ready to leave," he said. " Raul what's going on here, what did I do, I said I was sorry please..." I said crying. Raul look at me came over and kiss me on the forehead, " Laura I'm very sorry for making you unhappy for all these years and I wish I could take it back, your exceptionally beautifully and others have always seen that beauty and Mr Gold likes beautiful things and he's been watching you all this time so he bought you." I couldn't believe what I was hearing I was speechless. " If you were sorry why didn't just let me go Raul back home to my parents I've been with you for five years I'm turning twenty next month." I spatted out. He only turned his back and signal me to be gone and that was it the last time I laid eyes on the man who made me into what I am. He felt guilty about making me a posititute but I had a secret he didn't know about I wanted to tell him about it, but let his guilt be his enemy he sold me even thou I wanted out but not with a man that I heard beat prostitutes even thou I didn't believe it doesn't mean it can't be true.

to be continued......
© Keryiann Mcneil