

Nova + Forest
As I walk through the hallway with Benjamin and Sol, I see the most beautiful girl. The first thing I notice about her is her mysterious dark jade green eyes, her long bleach blond hair any girl would die for and her sweet little smile she gave me before walking past me and my mates, which just then I realisedshe also had frecklesall over her face and body, which made her the most beautiful woman I have ever encountered.
Ben noticed that I was staring and made fun of me "ohhh, looks like Katie has a new crush" she smirked, I looked at him in shock and pretended that u had no idea what he was talking about "what!! no, ... pfff, I.... I was just admiring her beautiful long hair" Sol looked at my direction "yes, keep telling yourself that darling" I immediately went all red but quickly proceeded to change topic "so... ARE you guys going to the party tonight?.... Jackson's party?" both boys immediately stared at me in a shocked face "who? .... Jackson the one who bullied us for 3 years straight?!... yeah I think I'll pass, you guys go without me" exclaims Benjamin, I understood and proceed to ask Sol, "Yeah, I'm sorry love, but it's a hard pass for me" I understood and upset inglés said " Okay,... umm... so I guess I'm going alone" they looked at each other worried and told me to be careful.

(Later that day, after school)

The party is at eleven PM, it is now 5PM .
I picked out a Dark Black dress with suits my curly Black hair and black eyes.
My makeup was a cat look, the makeup needed to match my outfit so it was black too, I then proceed to do a box braid in my hair which took me over 4 hours too Finnish.
when I was finally done I walked over to Jackson's house as he lived only a couple of blocks away from mine.
I wad kind of scared as it is the first time I have ever gone to a party let alone without my mates, but I knew that it was going to be okay, because throughout the summer me and Jack's pararents became friends which forced us to hang out, we became very close, nearly as close as me, Ben, and Sol.
When I arrived Jack greeted me with a big hug and introduced me to his friends, I hang out with them until the girl that I crossed eyes with earlier today caught my attention once again.
She was wearing a sparkling dark jade green dress matching her eyes and now makeup too.
She did a Euphoria themed makeup which was brilliant and her hair was up like Ariana Grande's iconic hair style.
Jack caught me staring and introduced me to the beautiful girl "Okay, Nova this Forest, Forest this is Nova, now I'll let you guys get to know each other" he says while leaving and winking at me before turning around and heading over to his friends.
"Hi..umm... Nova,... do you want to dance?" said Forest, I was caught off gard so I slightly blushed but agreed.
"I was wondering when I would get the chance too meet you properly" she says while smiling
"Yeah, me too" I said smiling and slightly speechless
"Oh my god you are so cute" Sje says making me blush so much I thought I was going to explode "Oh... umm... thank you... I find you very pretty too" I smile, still brushing and staring her in the eyes and lips.
she noticed and kissed me, I got once again caught off gard by this beautiful angel but quickly kissed her back making it feel like the whole room was filled with fireworks all around us, we broke up the kiss to breath and danced together the while night.

(Ten years later)

"OH MY GOD JACKSON" I said running towards him hugging him tightly, he hugged me back "Oh my god, how are you? ... you'vevgrown" i smile "yeah, i mean it's been a couple of years" We both laugh and I proced to show him the table with my beautiful wife, Benjamin, Sol and our newborn Dove, he sat down next to Sol which after the party he kind of became one of us and the became close friends, "oh my god, I really did become the cupid that night" he laughs to himself, I laugh with him and so does everyone else i then proceed to agree with him "omg let me see little Dove" I then shoe him our little girl and he instantly falls in live with her little face, we talk for like we where teenagers again.


© Jess