

Put Through
It was a bottle in his hand and he opened it an drank .
Then he said bitch I need 40billion
dollars. What?
Yes I need to get myself out of
town the whole world is at me.
This is so crazy all I did was pick
up a women. But she died in my
cab then I pull over and cops
stop I tell them what happen
they think I know more then what
I know
And they got the gold an drove away
but heres the thing they want me
to kill the other party involved then
they said the only way not to is to
get. 40 billion no oh well back to
killing. So he jumps in a car. And goes to the place where the man is but someone else shoots him and he is like
yes. Then he gets in the car free but
the phone rings and it's bad men saying your not home free we know
everything about you and that you did
not kill him so we will be calling. But he like fuck this and he finds them and in a three day killing high he gets at all them and now he is home free leaves town to start a new and it is amazing
so he can get away with crazy an they sent crazy his way to be he was ready
for the crazy with his own spin on crazy. Back in the car he says I want the money an drives off.
© hmmmm