

Now You Will Never Forget Me Part 3 Last Part
The next day Marco was walking down the road and he over heard one of his friend talking to a women he said " I have a feeling Marco had something to do with the death of Luca hes been acting weird and i saw his car at Luacs house the day he went missing" The women rolled her eyes and says " Marco is the nices person ever he would never do anything like that and the fact that you think it was him is not nice" Marco was mad that one of his friends would talk behind his back like that then he got a plan the night came and he went over to his friends house and his friend let him in Marco asked if he could stay the night he dosent feel safe at home after what happened to Luca his friend didnt think much he let him sleep in the living room on the couch his friend went to sleep Marco went to the kitchen and gets a cloth and he goes and kills his friend then he does the same thing as he did to Luca but he didnt hide the body he just killed him little did Marco know his friend daughter was there and saw everything the next day Marco was arrested and news went everywhere everyone was shoked about the news and no one could believe it Marco was getting excuted the next day he was burned alive and they started putting down wood and sticks and put gas around him and Marco was looking at everyone and saw there faces everyone was upset and shoked some people where even crying the started to light the fire and Marco starts to talk " This is all your fault you forgot me you all left me this is all your fault now you will never forget me!" As the fire starts to go up Marco and burns him he screams for a while then he stops the smell of buring flesh filled the town and after years later no one has forgotten Marco and what he had did
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