

You Had Me But Now
The rain came and I went inside I waited
but he never showed. What happened to
my friend well the stories. That I heard from the other people were conflicting.
One went like this when I asked around
hey we saw him once I showed his picture. But he was at the bar an some
bad women and men came and told him
walk out the door and don't go back to the life you know then at that moment.
I had lost him forever and I didn't know
anything about that. or why he listened
So then I went to the bartender and he
gave me a whole nother story his was he
had 5 drinks and some lady was trying to
pick him up but he said not away with you now and walked to another side of the bar. And he ordered food and by the
time I got the order ready he was gone.
So I say thank you and leave the bar. And go to his house but the people say
he has not lived here he got thrown
in jail for trying to get his stolen checks
from land Lord and we saw him yell
An fight land gave him only 1 check
And he yelled it was 5 and we all say
this not right. So the land Lord runs
And we all help him beat the checks
out of his hands. He puts them in his pocket. But Someone called the police
And they took him away. What ok thank
you here I gave them 50s for information on the streets not cheap.
So then I got to police station
but they say he can not get out until.
What until when and they say when we
see that he is ready. what I got his bale
So your friend will get the book thrown
at him if he don't get right and respect
the law you can't hit old people. So then
away he is not getting out today.8 more
day maybe. So I roll my eyes at him and walk out of police station and I was clueless to why the police was abusing
the situation. But now I know we're he is
then 25 days later I get a call where are
you. I am in front of police station heading back home your kin called
hears the number to call them bye I can
help I was stood up about 30days ago
bye. So you need to do right and not
get wrong know more, So bye forever
it was cold out there in the rain by the
trees like you had me the other day. Now
I have a cold and I hang up.
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